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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

When we were walking back to our car, I noticed two men sitting at a cafe staring at us. I decided to take Taehyung's arm and pull him away from the car.
"We have two men that are probably following us. Don't look. walk like I haven't told you anything." He nods slightly and we walk down the street. Moments later, I could hear two pairs of footsteps coming up behind us.
"You know what to do?" I whisper to Taehyung, he nods again, and as soon as the men sound like they were right behind us we turned around and pinned them to the ground.
"Why were you following us! Who do you work for!" I yell at one of the men. He looked honestly surprised that we caught on to them.
"We aren't telling you shit lady. Some cop she is." He laughed. I pushed his arm up his back more to where he yelped in pain.
"Ok! Ok! We work for a woman named Ruby. She's in on the whole brother scandal. But the thing is, there is no brother. She's the only sibling related to Elvira."
"What about you? What information can you voice us?" Taehyung told the other one.
"Ooo!! Big scary cop." He laughed. Tae did the same as me, but pushed a little too hard. We heard a pop and the guy started wailing in pain.
"Ahhhh!! Ok! Ok! She hired us to take out the agents and whoever comes near where the hideout was." He yelled out. By this time, the real police were there to take them away.
"Make sure they are locked up good. I have a feeling that someone is going to try and break them out." I tell them. They nod and take them to their cars.
"So we were right. Well, half-way right. There is no brother, but there is a sister.  And her name is Ruby, maybe it is Agent R. I don't think we ever heard her real name." Taehyung says as we walk back to our car.
"Now. All we have to do is find out if Rosé and Kook found out anything.

Rosé POV

"Come on Kook! We have to hurry." Jungkook was taking too long to get into his disguise and I was worried that visiting time will end soon.
"Ok, I'm ready. Let's go. Did X say if there were any specific questions to ask?"
" I know what to ask don't worry." I took his hand and we entered the jail. Before we got here, I made sure to talk with one of the guards to speak with these prisoners. When we walk up to the front desk, the guard there immediately knew who we were.
"Right this way agent Rosé. We made sure to put the two men in a separate room. There will be four other guards there for you safety and don't be afraid to rough them up a little. We all know about the crimes they helped commit and what they did to hybrids. To speak for all hybrids here working in the police force, I thank you for making sure we are safe." He laughed slightly.
"Thank you officer. My team and I promise that nothing will happen to you guys.  This hopefully won't take long." We walk into the room and he was right. There was one guard in each corner of the room. With the two prisoners chained to the table in the middle.
"Hello there boys. We just have a couple of questions to ask you. If you cooperate, this won't take long. Ok? Ok!"

-2 hours later-
"Thank you for you time. And I do hope those bruises heal fast." I say walking out holding a whole notebook of information.
"Thanks Kookie. Those two probably wouldn't have talked if you weren't there. Ok, now let's meet back up with X and V so we can give this to them." When we were walking back to our car, I noticed the two agents Y/n and Taehyung where working with walk right by us into the jail. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called the guard I talked with earlier.
"There's two agents walking your way. Don't trust anything they say. Both of them are suspects to this mission. Don't tell them we were here."
"You got it miss. We are here for the good guys. We will handle it." He says before hanging up the phone.
"Was that really them? How could you tell?" Jungkook said.
"Y/n sent me a picture once. She was ranting to me about how the girl was really mean to her and the guy was kinda snobby. I'm 100% sure that was them." And I was correct. I heard someone yelling and doors being shut.
"Quick. Let's get to the car before they spot us."


"Where are they? I hope nothing happened to them." I was pacing, thinking about what might happen to Rosé and Jungkook.
"Don't worry Y/n, they are on their way home. Look. Jungkook oppa's camera is showing them in their car." She points out. I sigh in relief.
"Ok. Now that we have almost figured this whole thing out, we have to find a way to catch her. She obviously isn't using that one hideout that we went to. So it might be somewhere else now." As I finished my sentence, Rosé walked in.
"Here you go. A whole two hours worth of information. The ring leader is not a boy, actually, it's a girl. Her name is Ruby. Oh and we might have bruised hands, but it was worth it. The most important piece we got is that there is this big party that they will be attending. She's trying to get people to join her to get revenge for her sister. The party is being hosted at the Louvre Museum in three days. You need tickets to get in, but I think I can figure out that part. So, I guess this means we get to go shopping!" Rosé cheers. I giggle.
"Yup. I'm guessing we will have too. I didn't bring anything for something fancy."
"Ok. Let's get ready." Rosé, Kook, and Lisa all leave for their room. Taehyung gets up and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Do we have to go? I could think of something else we could do that will be fun for the both of us." He smirked.
"No Taehyung. We have to do this. We can go get my dress and your suit and then maybe." He groaned.
"But baby! You gotta help me." He gives me puppy dog eyes.
"Come on kitten. Let's get ready to leave."

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