Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Luke’s POV          

It’d been about a week since we ran from Michael. I’d defiantly lost a lot of weight, we’d been walking for days. Neither of us had any money so we had to beg. It had resulted in Ashton getting a black eye and me bruises all over my body but we’d managed to get together about 20 quid.
“Anyone got any spare change?” Ashton calls. We were sitting outside the main door to some mall far away from home. We did used to have more money but of course we had to eat so it was used up fairly fast. Some man was standing in front of us, digging around in his pocket. He hands Ashton a £20 note.
“Go and get yourselves a hot meal boys” He said to us and smiled.
“Thank you” We both said in sync. We looked at each other and smiled.

We sit until about half 6 in the evening, by which time it was nearly dark. We hadn’t got much more. Maybe a few pounds but now we had around £45. It was time to find a fairly safe place to sleep for the night.

Ashton’s POV

A few days after the man had given u the 20 quid note, Luke had dragged me into a guitar shop. It was one of those small shops with guitars lining the walls and rock music playing. It had loads of records too and I just looked through them while Luke was busy going from guitar to guitar ‘ooh’ing and ‘aahh’ ing, he sounded like he was watching a firework display.
“Will you shut up” I whisper to him and the man behind the counter looked over to us. The song stops and I look at the big speakers in the corners of the shops waiting for the song to start. American Idiot by Green Day starts to play and I try and contain my inner fangirl. I go back to looking through the records. To my surprise, they had the American Idiot album on vinyl and it made me think of home
“Ashton, turn it down!” My mum yells up the stairs but we couldn’t hear her over the sound of Billie Joe’s singing.
“Don’t wanna be an American Idiot”
Calum sings loudly. I stop.
“Cal, you’re British” I laugh. The record keeps playing.
“Yeah... so?” He grins. I rugby tackle him onto my bed and tickle him and he laughs so much that he wets himself. I laugh at him as he runs to the bathroom. I put my hand on my bed in the spot Calum had just been sitting on.
“EWWWWWW!” I shout and I hear Calum laughing.

“Ashton!” Luke yells, snapping my back into reality. The man from behind the counter was standing in front of us.
“Well? Are you guys gonna buy anything?” He sounded like Billie Joe, excellent.
“Um... we were just looking.” I say honestly.
“Okay but I’m closing up now so could you and your boyfriend please clear off” He was getting on my nerves and ew, I’m not Luke’s boyfriend.
“Actually-“ Luke starts but the guy grabs our shoulders and drags us out of the shop.
“What?” He says, after throwing us out the door.
“WE’RE NOT GOING OUT!” We both yell in his face before he slams the door in ours and we both walk off laughing. 

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