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At first, we were all like strangers,

hiding our true selves from each other,

afraid of non-acceptance and a new beginning,

but as days passed and months went by,

we all become soul friends for 3 whole years.

we're not just friends,

we're a team,

we're a squad,

we're a family.

many things happened in these past 3 years,

evonixx had a trip together called evoneng,

we all had a big exam which was PT3,

all evodad n evomom came by,

to give us supports physical and mental,

there are also nutritious evodrink n evofood.

I love it when all the evonixx will joke around,

and then burst into laughter after that,

I love it when we have each other back,

how we still stay together,

after all ups and downs, we've been through.

just as the phrase says,

'every beginning has an end

n every meeting has a goodbye'

Remember this, my friends,

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."

-J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)

But to say,

"You and I will meet again, when we're least expecting it, one day in some far off place, I will

recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, for you and I will meet again." -Tom Petty

(American singer-songwriter)

xoxo, your friend <3, an evonixx


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