Chapter fifty-two

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"Can anything else go wrong before lunchtime?" I sigh as I throw my phone onto the sofa, sliding the jeans off of my legs and grabbing my leggings. "Stupid fucking jeans" I mutter, throwing them into my case with a sigh, walking out of the area with the cases in, smiling when I see Becky playing with Ariella in the living area. "I'm just going to make myself a coffee and then I'll take her back off of you" I nod as Becky smiles, assuring me it's no trouble. My feet carry me to the kitchen, grabbing a mug out of the cupboard but clearly not having a strong enough grip on it as it fell to the floor, smashing as I groan. I put the kettle on, humming as I look at my phone before feeling two small hands on my leg. "Hey baby" I grin at my daughter who was holding my leg. She had started walking a few weeks ago and luckily Harry was there to witness it. I lift her up, kissing her cheek as she smiles, pointing to the living room at Becky who grins and waves at her.

I stand her back down, grabbing the fridge door to take the milk for my coffee. Nothing. "That's it! I'm out!" I shout, slamming the fridge door shut and walking to the back room. I couldn't stop the hot tears spilling over my cheeks now as I throw my phone onto the sofa and sitting down with my head in my hands. Today was the anniversary of my parents passing, so my mood was low anyway and with everything going wrong already today, I was done. I lifted my head to see Becky, leaning in slightly so Ariella wasn't left on her own. "I need Harry" I breath out as she nods. I see her briefly lift Ariella into her arms, walking out of the bus and heading towards the arena. I wipe my eyes, seeing Becky walk back through the door, the same way she left. She lifted her phone to her ear, trying to call him but receiving no answer.

"Soph I've tried finding him, tried calling him and I have no idea where he is" She sighs as I shake my head with a tear leaving my eye and falling to my cheek as I look up at her sadly.

"He said he'd change Becky, we were going to make everything better and he was going to be with me more... He was going to help me with Ari, and now when I need him the most he isn't there, I don't know what to do" I whimper, tears spilling down my cheeks as Ari rests on Becky's hip, looking behind her at the television.

"Soph I'm sure it's all going to be okay" Becky reassures with a smile, "It'll all work out, he's probably just popped out to grab some lunch" She shrugs as I nod, taking Ariella into my arms as she begins to whine.

"Come on baby, I think it's time for bed" I say softly and take her into the back room and lay her down. This just causes her to shout louder, calling for 'dada' as I groan with a sigh. "Baby come on" I sigh as tears spill down her cheeks, flopping down on her bottom to have a tantrum, tears filling my eyes. Becky walks in with a sigh.

"Go and have a moment Soph" She says softly as I walk out of the room, tears spilling down my cheeks as I curl in my bunk hearing Ariella's cry. "Liam can you go and check on Soph" Becky says softly as he shakes his head, telling her he needs to get dressed. Niall sat beside Becky, grinning at Ariella as she stopped crying seeing Niall, her eyes lighting up at her favourite person other than myself, her dad and her auntie Becky. Becky smiled, knowing I was by myself in the bunk, leaving me to have some time.

After having some time to myself I slowly stood up, walking to the bathroom. I switched on the shower and cleaned my body, knowing I needed to make sure I look half decent after a complete breakdown. I sigh softly, doing my makeup in the mirror and fixing my hair. I slip on some clothes, a tartan grey dress with a baby pink jumper. I had text Harry to meet me at a bar that was just down the road now we were back in London. Becky had agreed to keep Ariella for a while and then take her back to my flat when everything was sorted with cases and things were given back. I assured her I wouldn't be late and would repay her and Niall for looking after my baby.


I walk into the cocktail bar, the staff wearing white shirts and black bow ties and smart black trousers. Harry sat on a stool wearing one of his patterned shirts, his black jeans tight and his hair in a bun on the top of his head. There before him sat two cocktails, my favourite accompanying the empty seat in front of him. He smiled as I arrived, leaning over to press a tender kiss to my lips as I smile sadly at him. "You look beautiful" He says softly, trying to push the tension between us away as I take a sip of the fruit cocktail before me, needing to boost of confidence in myself from the alcohol.

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