Rules And Information for Judges

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So you're thinking of signing up as a judge? Great! Please have a look through the rules and information provided below. Please do not sign up before reading through this, as it leads to confusion on all sides later on down the road. 


1: Please Stay Dedicated: 

Too many times I have had people sign up to judge, only to stop responding, or give bland reviews that clearly show they haven't read the stories they have judged. If you sign up, please do it knowing there is a lot of work involved. 

2: Write Detailed And Honest Reviews: 

For all of the winners you select, you must write a detailed review. You can't just tell me, "It was a good story, well written, I really connected with the characters." Tell us why it won, what the author does well, what you want more of, any improvements, go into detail. The point of these contests is to help people improve their writing and to gain some notice. 

3: Respond to weekly check-ins!: 

I will be sending out a message once a week, this message will ask you for your progress on judging, and to make sure you are still active and able to judge. If you do not respond within a week, your position will be given to someone else. It becomes too confusing when people neglect their responsibilities.

4: Accept no bribes... Obviously: 

If you have a friend in the contest, do not show favuoritism. I've noticed people doing this, or at least attempting to, nothing goes without notice. If someone attempts to bribe you in order to win, which I don't think anyone would actually do, report it to me. 

5: Read 5 chapters from each entry: 

You are required to read at least 5 chapters from each entry, and You'll do it for all entries within the category you sign up for. You can begin to judge before the judging period officially begins to get a head start, if not the judging period lasts for one month. 

6: 25 Entries Maximum 

The maximum amount of entries per genre is 25. Some categories won't reach this number, but the more "popular" ones will. 

7: Attention to detail:

Please understand that these rules exist for a reason, and the stories entered into your categories mean a lot to the people who created them. Please show them the respect you would want while having your own work judged. The password for this contest is Part Of The Chaos Crew, You'll need to put this password on your judge form or it will not be accepted, since it will seem that you haven't read through the rules properly.Attention to detail is always important, which is why I hid the phrase within a paragraph. Again, judging is a lot of responsibility, so please think before signing up. I look forward to working with you!

8: Deadlines: 

Entries will be open from December 15th until February 15th. Judging will begin on February 15th, Results are due on March 15th.  

9: Acceptance Of Mature / LGBT

Both Mature and LGBT works are allowed, they always have been and always will be. 


SCORE SHEET!: Please follow this sheet while judging your entries! If you have any suggestions / adjustments please send me a private message and let me know!! Please use the score sheets to help you in your judging, and to assist you while writing the reviews for your winners!

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