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___________________THIRD PERSON POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

Finnick Odair doesn't know what possesses him to go to the beach for the second time today. It is an impulse that nags every bone in his body, urging him to get off the couch and approach the sandy shores of District 4.

He had already been earlier that day, soaking in the rising sun and the salty air which made him forget about the torture he'd endured since his games that happened 6 years prior. He took the opportunity of the early morning to think in peace without a soul in sight.

He doesn't understand why he feels the need to go again, but he follows his instincts none the less.

Finnick doesn't bother bringing shoes, seeing it pointless as he lives mere houses away from the beach. He just tows himself along, one foot after another, to where his heart calls him to be.

A weird sensation tugs at his mind, leaving him to question his intention of coming to the sea this late in the evening. The sun is hidden behind the clouds now, opposite to what it was like this morning. It's still light, but it's slowly fading, bringing darkness along with it.

Finnick trudges along the sand, finding a seat not far from where the land meets sea. A sigh escapes his lips as he treasures the sound of the ocean. It's a melody that can be heard all the way into the centre of District 4.

What Finnick doesn't seem to notice is a girl diving head first into the raging waves.

Aria Mitchell, the victor of the 70th Hunger Games, can't take it anymore. She feels alone, tormented by the nightmares and trauma that were inflicted by the games. She thought that no better way to end it all than within the place she loved the most; the ocean.

She would rather die within the clutches of the sea than by the threats President Snow had hurled at her. Threats that would see her tortured to death under his merciless stare, watching as she screamed and cried until her body could take no more.

She shudders at the image of Snow's face looking upon her beaten up corpse with little regret and or care.

A tear slithers down her cheek, but she's quick to wipe it away. She doesn't give a second thought before she throws herself into the waves, preparing to become one with the water and the creatures that live within it.

Aria paddles out, propelling herself into deeper and deeper water, further and further away from the shoreline.

Her heart slams against her rib cage as she finally registers what's she's doing; what her intention is with swimming out this far. Aria knows this is the only way to stop her suffering. She has no one. Her parents are dead. Her friends are gone.

She has no one.

She releases a gargled cry, salty tears meeting with the salty water as she allows her muscles to give up, letting her sink below the waves.

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