3- here again

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

I sigh emotionlessly as I take step after step to the centre of District 4 for the reaping.

My heart pounds in my ears like a drum— an unsettling rhythm to what exactly I'm walking into. I know that this could be the last time I walk through the streets of my home District, so I treasure it before it'll be gone for good.

I know I'll die in that arena. Luck doesn't strike twice for someone like me, especially when it comes to the games. I've accepted my fate, but I have a mission that's underway as we speak.

I won't go out until I succeed with saving Finnick. He saves my life, I save his— as simple as that.

Once I reach the square I'm escorted up the stairs and onto the stage. Annie Cresta and Mags watch me as I hold a blank expression, not giving away what I'm going to do. I see Finnick observing me out of the corner of my eye. I don't meet his gaze.

Flashbacks of when I got reaped for the 70th Hunger Games play through my head like a video tape. I try my best to maintain my emotions that threaten to make me snap in front of the whole district.

The escort of District 4, Valentina Quinn, is standing proudly in front of the mic, blabbering on with the introduction before getting down to business.

"As always, ladies first!" She announces with too much enthusiasm for my liking.

My heart begins to beat erratically, the suspense causing my mind to go insane. I watch as she pauses and then reaches for a piece of paper in the glass bowl. My teeth dig deeply into my lip as she unfolds the paper.

"Annie Cresta!" Valentina says ecstatically.

I don't look Finnick's way, knowing that my next move will cause him to be consumed by many emotions— emotions that I can't bear to see right now.

"I volunteer as tribute," I inform the whole of District 4, taking the place of Annie who's broken down beside me.

Mags goes to volunteer, but I stop her. I look into her eyes with sincerity.

"Don't. I want this." I send her a light smile as she returns a sad one.

I stand strong, although I'm melting with fear on the inside. I keep my muscles tight, trying to look brave and intimidating enough for it to be believable.

"Oh goodie! A volunteer!" Valentina squeals in excitement.

I want to snarl and hurl insults and profanities at the female escort for being so excited about me volunteering for my death bed. It takes all my willpower to unclench my fists.

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