2- all comes falling down

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

I went home after having breakfast at Mags' with Finnick, who was a 'charmer' as per usual.

I think back to what happened earlier today.

The Quell was on everyone's minds as we sat at the dining table munching on Mags' fabulous cooking. We spoke about who would be selected and that I would be put forward to mentor the reaped tributes.

I didn't want to. My past is still raw and I don't want to practically push kids into their deaths, but unfortunately it's part of being a victor for District 4 and I have to do it.

Obnoxious and disgusting sounds come from beside me and echo in my ears. My head snaps to face the culprit who has little sense of manners.

"Finnick! Chew with your mouth closed! You're such a pig!" I shove him with my hand. All he does is laugh, popping another piece of bacon in his gob and chewing loudly— mouth open once again and specifically looking at me. I roll my eyes in annoyance at his cockiness.

"Should ship you off to District 10," I mutter quietly under my breath, but Finnick tilts his head towards me upon hearing something come from my mouth.

"What'd you say?" His eyebrows raised, but a curious expression is planted on his face. I don't respond to his question, rather I glance at Mags.

"I hope you're aware, Mags, that farm animals belong in District 10, not District 4," I mock the dirty blond beside me.

Mags covers her mouth as her body shudders from light laughter, snorts coming from her across the table. Finnick's smirk drops from his lips as he stares at me, but it soon returns, cocky as ever.

"Love, that really hurt my feelings." Finnick holds his hand over his heart in fake hurt. I scowl at his pathetic attempt to get sympathy from me.

"Talk it up, pretty boy."

"You think I'm pretty?" His smirk appears.

"That's besides the point smartass." I roll my eyes at the childish victor before returning to my food.

"Is it?" Finnick whispers into my ear. I can barely contain a shudder at his warm breath against the side of my head. I bit my lip, before pushing him away from me. He chuckles.

"Idiot," I snort.

I smile at Finnick's stupidly childish nature as represented in such memory.

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