8- assessments

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

Today's the day of the individual assessments and I'm incredibly nervous. I have no idea on how I'll even remotely impress anyone when it's my turn to be called. I don't know, maybe I'll just throw around the spontoon or something.

For about 45 minutes Finnick and I had to endure the burning glare of Brutus. The wound I inflicted was still there and easy to spot on his neck.

The tension was incredibly thick. Finnick was highly impacted by Brutus' threatening intimidation tactic. It made me incredibly uncomfortable.

Finnick could practically sense my unease, so in response he would stay really close to me, our shoulders touching. His body would act like a shield, hiding me from Brutus when he leaned forward, his body being bigger than mine and all.

Finnick's jaw was also clenched to such a degree that it looked like it was going to break under its own pressure. His fists were tight and incredibly pale as he glared daggers at Brutus in warning. I had to grab his hands at one point so I could smooth out his knuckles in a gesture for him to calm down. Finnick wouldn't stop glowering at him until he left the room, only then did he relax.

Currently my knee bounces as I wait impatiently for my assessment. They're up to District 4 now so it'll be Finnick's turn next. He seems rather unfazed by everything, apart from my knee in which he clamps his hand down on.

"Calm down, love. You'll be fine."

I just nod at his comment, not really able to form words right now. I fiddle with my fingers in silence.

"Finnick Odair, report for individual assessment."

At that I turn to face Finnick who is already looking my way. His confident and incredible eyes shining at me.

"Good luck Odair." I smile and he returns it. He pats my shoulder before walking into his assessment.

My heart sounds in my ears as I wait for what feels like ages until my name is called through the speaking.

"Aria Mitchell, report for individual assessment."

I stand accordingly, waking up my muscles which have fallen slack from waiting for almost 2 hours. I sigh, slowly approaching the Training Centre. I peer over at Johanna, Peeta and Katniss who all send me reassuring smiles.

As soon as I turn the corner I notice Finnick walking my way, his lips pressed in an unusual straight line. It baffles me slightly. Our hands brush as we pass one another.

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