6- old lessons

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

After the parade— which I'm incredibly glad is over —Finnick and I head towards the elevator that'll take us to our floor and rooms.

I clench and unclench my hand as we walk side by side, trying to regain circulation in my fingers and palm.

"I'm surprised that your hand isn't broken," I laugh lightheartedly.

"I'm more so shocked that my hand is still even attached to my arm," he smirks and then laughs in my direction. I blush in the slightest.

I really didn't like the parade. It brought back too many painful memories of my games— my past. I didn't realise that I was holding Finnick's hand so tightly until we stopped. Both our hands were turning a snowy white at my grip.

The crowd also had me nervous. I know that some people in that crowd have touched me in such a disgusting places that I want to be sick. I felt invaded and taken advantage of. I felt fear in its strongest form.

So I've now vowed that I'm not going to show fear, instead I'll show resentment for those who made me feel broken and dead inside. I will show the people of Panem who Aria Mitchell really is and what she's capable of.

Finnick presses the button the fourth floor, sending me a glance as I focus on my new approach to the Quarter Quell.

"I have a suspicion you're excited to get out of that outfit," Finnick suddenly speaks as the floor beneath us shifts upwards. I turn to him, a laugh escaping my lips.

"You don't understand how uncomfortable I feel. Florence made me look like some kind of ocean goddess. Quite flattening to be honest knowing that I could never be seen like that. You don't even needed to be prettied up. You already look good." I gesture at him with my head, sighing slightly.

"Don't think like that, love. Anyone paying attention can see you're gorgeous." He pulls me into his side, the iconic smirk planted on his face.

"Thanks Finnick," I smile, directing my vision towards him.

"All in a days work." He winks at me as we step out of the elevator.

Finnick and I reach the Training Centre the next morning, arriving at a time where most of the other victors are already there.

I won't deny the twinge of pain and fear that stabs me in the chest as I locate the Careers in the back corner near the weapons. But I'm very quick to correct myself, straightening my posture to look stronger and prepared to put up a fight.

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