13- killer fog

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___________________FINNICK'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

Katniss and Peeta were quiet when coming into the clearing, spotting Aria fast asleep in the realm of dreams— or nightmares. They didn't say anything, rather, Katniss took a seat a few metres from me whilst Peeta collected some leaves to create a makeshift resting place.

Peeta is now fast asleep, using his arm to prop his head up like a pillow. I can hear him emitting low breaths.

Even though the sun isn't bearing down on our skin it's still stinking hot. It's like we're stuck in a sauna, but we can't just walk out into the fresh air, instead we have to fight our way out. I can barely breathe as it is, the air is so thick and won't cease. I sigh quietly, not risking waking up Aria.

"How's Peeta?" I ask, looking Katniss' way momentarily.

"He's okay, just dehydrated like the rest of us." Her eyes fall of Aria who rests her head in my lap. I follow her gaze to.

Although sweat has accumulated on Aria's forehead, and dirt is masking her face, she still looks gorgeous. Her face glows in the moonlight that weaves its way through the canopy. Her hair is combed by my hands in a soothing rhythm which allows her tense and ready muscles to relax. She holds her weapon tightly in her grasp as she remains unconscious.

"She would die for you, you know?" Katniss states, meeting my eyes with an honest look.

"I'm not too sure about that honestly. I don't know. Maybe." I run my hand across my face in an attempt to rid of the sweat. I'm skeptical about what Katniss said, but deep down I feel as though it's true more than anything. I really don't know though.

"You sure? She didn't save you back at the Cornucopia for nothing," Katniss affirms.

"She could've been saving herself."

"I don't believe that. It was obvious that she put herself forward so you wouldn't get hurt. She did shove you out of the way."

I furrow my eyebrows in thought. It sounds like the truth, that Aria would sacrifice herself to keep me alive. But who knows, anything can happen in this arena. Aria could easily turn on me at any point, but I pray that won't happen. I don't want to lose her in this arena, whether it be the strong bond we share or her life being lost to these games.

"Why do you think that?" I question.

"She told me herself Finnick. She cares about you more than words can even describe. I'd assume that you told her not to volunteer, but here she is after volunteering. I wish Peeta didn't." Katniss' words are laced in truth. I can't question that.

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