18- depths

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___________________ARIA'S POV- Present Day -

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- Present Day -

My body slams into the rocks, knocking the wind out of me as everything begins to spin wildly. Water spouts upwards, making the rocks slippery and my back drenched. I feel dizzy as the Cornucopia zips around and around without an end.

I mentally hope that Brutus has fallen into the water and drowned, but part of me wants to be responsible for his cannon.

I can't help but regret leaving Finnick, that right now, as the ground beneath me spins, that I haven't even gotten to tell him how much he means to me. I can't deny that I feel as though I'm going to die right here and now. I don't want to because I'm meant to keep Finnick alive, but I know in this moment I've failed him.

My nails scrape against the ground so I can get some kind of grip. I know I'm becoming desperate now as my arms flail around. I'm unable to get a purchase on the rocks, so I begin sliding and sliding to my imminent death, the roaring water approaching my feet.

My spontoon is nowhere to be found, so I can't use it to hoist me up or keep me anchored to the ground. I know that the longer the Cornucopia turns at this pace, the more chance that I will crash into the raging water below.

After an eternity of sinking downwards I finally fall free from land, my body slamming harshly into the currents below.


Darkness is quick to greet me at the impact, knocking me out cold.

- Present Day -

Somehow I've maintained grip on my trident, as well as Beetee's arm as the Cornucopia finally begins to slow down. Obviously the Gamemakers are trying to put on quite a show, attempting to kill us off in what you'd call my own domain. The water, the sand, it's like home; such a cruel joke.


Last I remember is seeing her give chase to Brutus, disappearing behind the Cornucopia. I screamed for her to stop, but she didn't, now I'm afraid I've lost her. That she fell off the platform and was swallowed by the depths.

That pain of losing her is more excruciating than the stab inflicted by Enobaria in my leg. The pain to have lost the girl that I love is just too agonising to describe.

The Cornucopia halts beneath me, and in response I jump up and begin scanning the water.

The waves are slowly calming, no longer splashing up and onto the rocks. I hear coughing behind me and I can tell it's Katniss, but I don't bother looking. Katniss and Peeta are still alive, but I don't think the girl I need is.

My heart sinks further and further down the longer I stand there. The more seconds pass, the more the hope begins to dissipate. And the more I begin to lose myself.

Aria's cannon could've gone off whilst the Cornucopia was spinning, and at the thought I fall onto my knees, crying out with lament.

Sobs take hold, shudders rocking my body. Tears have soaked my face and hands, the emotions gliding down my cheeks and falling into the palms of my hands as I cry into them.

I feel so empty now, like someone has taken every part of my identity, thrown it away, and left the remainder of me as nothing. I don't feel as though I'm anyone anymore. Aria kept me sane and happy. She's all I've ever wanted and needed; her smile, her laugh, and how she never fails to make me forget all the pain I've endured. She is the reason I'm who I am now, but she is the reason I'll forever be broken.

Losing her on that night with the fog just broke me. I felt shattered, the person who I was long gone. I held her spontoon close, the only part of her I had at that point. When she suddenly appeared it was like a spark ignited within me. I was able to function again, I was able to fight knowing she was right beside me. But now... I can't even catch a breath with how hard I'm crying.

How am I meant to push forward? What am I meant to do now?

I feel this longing in my heart for something, but I can't seem to pinpoint it. My emotions are a mess, but there is nothing more I want to do than to express my feelings to Aria. I've left it too late though.

I'm now aware that Katniss, Beetee, Johanna and Peeta are gathered around behind me, but they don't say anything. The atmosphere is quiet and dull. Everything feels so numb, my body and mind easing into silence as I stare ahead of me at nothing in particular.

The wetsuit sticks to me uncomfortably, the sand rubbing my skin which causes irritation, but I'm barely registering it. I'm too distracted by the loss that makes my chest tighten, an invisible force pressing against me.

Minutes pass and nothing happens, all hope draining from my eyes as I sluggishly hoist myself off the rocks. I nearly fall over by how tremulous my legs are and from my wound. I use my trident to steady myself before wiping my face emotionlessly.

My allies don't muster a word, accepting my mourning and the newfound hole in my chest. Part of me thinks I'm giving up on her too easy here, but it's been ages and nothing has changed; the small waves continue to roll in and the trees remain swaying from the wind.

I don't flinch away when Beetee, who is mourning for the loss of Wiress, wraps a bandage around my thigh to stem the blood flow. I'm nearly so zoned out by watching the trees in the distance that I almost miss a cough echo from behind me.

I zip around to face the shoreline behind my back. The sight almost knocks me off my feet, but also sends a strong wave of energy pulsing through my veins. The colour returns to my face, shine returning to my eyes, as I witness what's right before me.

Aria crawls from the water, dragging herself onto the sand in a struggle. She hacks up water onto the sand, her body shaking as she tries to rid herself of unwanted fluids. It appears that she had to put up a fight to get out of the predicament she was in.

She looks so exhausted and vulnerable, and knowing that she's coughing loudly alerts other tributes to her. It makes me nervous. I need to get to her as soon as possible.

I begin hauling myself over the rocks, although the wound is hampering my progress. I have every reason to be rushing over there. I need to protect her because I can't let her die, even though I already thought she did. The group behind me follows as well.

But despite our efforts to get to Aria it just won't be enough as we watch Brutus drag her by the leg into the undergrowth.


I LOVE YOU GUYS AND IM SORRY! I promise that I'll stop with cliffhangers soon!

Quick question though, have any of you watched Outer Banks?

I watched it in one day and I'm IN LOVE with it! Highly considering writing a book but I'm not 100% on it.

Hope you enjoyed!

Cheers x

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