08 - goblins

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It was early morning when I encountered all the dwarves again.

"We missed you Keena," Killi spoke with his older brother, Filli beside him.

I laughed and hugged to the two boys. "I was only gone for the night. Surely it wasn't too long," I reasssured the Oakenshield brothers and us three shared a laugh. I spotted Thorin packing up his things.

"Are we leaving? So soon?" I question him who I got his attention for him to look at me from where he was standing.

"We must continue on. We can't waste any more days," Thorin stayed and I felt a frown cross my face. I was leaving my kin so soon, and we just got here.

"Let me go pack my things then, I'll be right back," I say and quickly move away from the dwarves room to my own. I change into my normal clothes, out of my elven dress and neatly folded it onto the dresser of my room. Hopefully I could return to this place and reviwve the dress again, as I would love to wear it again.

I packed my bag after changing and grabbed my weapons and headed back off to the dwarves room. When I entered they all had seemed to be waiting for me.

"Where's Gandalf?" I questioned after scanning the room and seeing the missing wizard from the picture.

"We are leaving without him, he will catch up to us," Thorin stayed and walked past me.

Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I say to my myself and snarl quietly as he walked by.

Bofur had walked by me, patted my shoulder knowing I was troubled that our wizard wouldn't be joining us until later, and walked off with a trail of other dwarves at his heel. Lastly was Bilbo and I decided to walk with him.

By the time we made it out into the wilderness, Thorin finally spoke after a moment of silence, "Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on."

"Aye," replied Balin who took the lead. Thorin allowed his dwarves to go ahead of him, leaving Bilbo and I at the end. I presume he was going to walk with us.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up," Thorin suggested to Bilbo who I had just realized was a ways away from me. Waiting for my cousin to catch up, Thorin then walked with us two. All while a head I heard the chuckles and chatting of the dwarves.

"Keena's got a dwarven bead braided into her hair," I overheard Dori say to his brother Nori. I felt my eyebrows knit together.

"Yeah, someone here braided her hair, I wonder who it might be," replied none other than Killi who peeled behind him to where Bilbo, Thorin and I were walking, and quickly turned away.

"Was it Thorin?" Asked Filli who whispered but I was still able to hear. A few chuckles were then heard and then the group was silent again.

I looked at Thorin who had an aggravated look on his face. He obviously heard his company's conversation and it looked to have upset him. Whatever it was, those dwarves were making it a bigger deal than it had to be, or where they?

Days have gone by now and we were still heading in the same direction. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months.

All during this time, Thorin dared to speak to me. It seemed his stubbornness had taken over him during these last few months. We would share small conversations only about the environment and where to lodge for the night. He never touched me or made any romantic advances with me. He was keen on getting ahead. This all but boggled my mind. I was beginning to think that night back in Rivendell he was drunk and didn't remember our little intimate moment, or he was playing with my feelings.

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