21 - betrayal

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a/n - picture above is Keena's armor

I stalked around the armory, watching the dwarves ready themselves for war. It made me wary seeing these men arm themselves for a war they're ought to lose. Since my argument with Thorin, he has been on an even worse of behavior, as if my remark had worsened his mood more than it already was bad.

"You look a bit pale," I heard the charming voice of Fili speak down to me.

Smiling I look up at him and shrug. "I guess I'm just nervous," I reply and stand up to meet his height. "I've never fought in a war," I add and wrap my arms around myself. "I know how to fight," I begin grasping the hilt of my fathers sword at my side. "But never amongth many enemies at once." I finished and drop my hand from my sword.

"If Thorin wasn't being such a lunatic, I bet he wouldn't even allow you to fight," Fili replied and I sighed. I knew that would be true. My safety is always put a head of Thorins watch, but now, its certainly lacking greatly.

"Well regardless, I'm going to fight whether he likes it or not, I'm a fighter Fili, and I wont watch you guys die while sitting a top that wall," I declared and Fili patted my shoulder.

"Well then, we better suit you up then," he laughed and led me astray.

As he ushered me to the armor, I had noticed Thorin out the corner of my eye, handing some sort of armor to Bilbo. Bright white it was and a silver collar it had. I blinked away before Thorin could notice me staring and continue after Fili, who eventually met up with Kili.

"Aunty Keena is insisting she fights," Fili says and my cheeks flush hearing the phrase aunty again. Those words directed to his brother. Kili beams and cheers to himself.

"You up to it though," I heard Balin speak up from behind me. "You've been sick Keena, warriors should fight in the best of health," He insisted and I shake my head.

"This is my war just as much as it is yours," I mention and Balin smiles, giving me a nod of approval.

I face Fili and Kili once more, who are standing before armor stands of golds and silvers.


That was the color I wore when I had met Queen Amon. That is the color I shall wear.

As I go in to grab the chest plate, Kili rushes in and speaks, "But Keena considering you're going to be our future queen, shouldn't you war gold?" He asked and my eyes widened upon hearing his statement.

"Kili," Fili mumbled and rubbed his temples. Kili only shrugged and I turned my face to hide my blushing cheeks.

"Well at this rate, I don't know about that Kili," I say and finally go to pick up the chestplate. "Anyways, I don't like gold." I say with a smirk.

I slip the chest plate on over my underclothes, a simple white tunic and brown pants. I grabbed the matching shoulder plates and metal boots. I wasn't surprised when I had found the chest piece to be a bit tight around the breast and stomach area. Considering its only been a few days since I found out, I was already becoming bloated. Thank valar that no one has questioned my gaining of weight. Deep in thought, I restrapped my scabbard around my waist and strung my bow across my chest with my arrows strapped over one side of my back. I had also quickly tied my red hair back into a messy braid, some strands falling down around my face.

I had spoke a small blessing in my head, wishing upon my parents to keep both Thorin and I safe during this fight. To have me survive my next encounter with the White Warg. To bring safety upon the child inside me. I could only wish for no war, but it ison our doorstep.

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