25 - end

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Long have I been waiting for my beloved to open her eyes once again. Magic taints her soul now, the life of another placed in her boots, a sacrifice of a soul for a soul. I remember it so vividly. The day I pushed her away when I needed her most, when we both needed each other equally. The day I sent her out to a battle she had no dealings with other than for my well being. The day I see her riding atop the mount of whom was my greatest enemy, until I see it strike Azog just as he was about to pierce my chest. The day, she laid limp in my arms after taking a blow that was meant for me. All this fear. All this death. Because of me. I can't part with it.

Today though, was my official coronation as King of Erebor. Long have I have been waiting for this day, but needless to say now I wish I could share this moment with her. To see us both be crowned as King and Queen of E rebor. To make her my queen, my wife. She still lay sound asleep, breathing soundly and for sure alive. Guarded by her white warg, to warn us if she awakens. Bilbo has not left her side since the moment she was placed in my chambers. Instead of returning to Hobbiton, he remained in the mountain until further notice. Until he leaves, Gandalf has also stuck around, seeing as he was Bilbo's official guide back to his hobbit home.

"Are you nervous?" My nephew Fili asks me as he watched me put on my ceremonial dwarven armor. The armor of a king. 

"Very," I said simply, adjusting my gauntlets at my hand as I peered at a mirror. "I just wish I could be sharing this moment with Keena as well," I added as I glanced at Fili for a brief moment, seeing his face sadden from hearing her name.

"Theres a lot of people I wish I could share this moment with," Fili speaks up, clutching at something in his hand. I had known what it was. A stone talisman, the one his brother had kept with him from their mother. I turned to Fili, and clutched his shoulder.

"We both knew how much Kili would have loved to see this day, to see Erebor officially reclaimed, to see me be crowned as king," I began explaining to Fili, and I could see Fili's eyes brimming with small tears. "You both grew up on the tales of this mountain, and one day Fili, you will take my place on the throne of Erebor. Kili would have been right there beside you," I continued and dipped my head to get to Fili's level slightly, peering deeply into his eyes. "Kili fought bravely for his people. He died a warriors death," I finished before patting my nephews shoulder and turning back to the mirror.

Soon enough, I heard a knock on the door, and turned my head to see the Grey Wizard.

"It is time," He says, standing in the doorframe, just barely though as he stood three heads taller than it. I nodded my head, but quickly left out from the grand closet of my chambers to go off and see my love one last time as a simple mercany. The next as a king.

Bilbo was still there, right beside her as she laid lifeless, but breathing in our bed. The slight twitch of her finger or arm would cause a spark of hope to flourish, thinking she was to wake, but she never has.

I knelt down towards Keena, grabbing her hand in mine, bringing it to my chasp lips and placing a tender kiss on her hand, before holding it dear to me.

"I'm off to the coronation," I say as I look down at my entwined hand with hers. "I will be named king tonight. I had hoped this day would be with you as well, for you to be my queen, my wife," I add and gently rub my thumb along her hand, just as I look up to her flawless pristine face. Asleep of course, but nonetheless beautiful. I turned my attention to Bilbo who sat quietly on the opposite side of the bed, and gave him a weak expression.

"Shall we go, my king?" I heard Gandalfs voice again, and with one last glance at Keena, I bent over, and placed a kiss against her forehead, before picking myself up and exiting the room, with Bilbo and Fili following behind Gandalf and I. I quickly turned to the warg, breonna her name was I believe, and she picked her head up from her paws to look me in the eyes.

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