bonus chapter #3 - crowned

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Today was the day. After many sleepless nights of planning and hours of cramming in the dwarven language, Khuzdul, with much help from Dis and Fili, this day has finally come to my doorstep. The day where I marry Thorin Oakenshield, and officially name myself as Queen of Erebor.

But nothing is ever easy. Today I wasn't having the best of luck. Morning sickness plagued my morning after waking up to a very excited Dis. My feet were swollen, and my back aching from the growing child within me. My wedding dress and my ceremonial gown were close to popping from the seams.

"I swear these dresses fit me just fine a week ago," I complained as I tugged at the bodice of my wedding dress, trying to haul it over my enlarged bust.

"Oh deary, you look fantastic! At this point when I was pregnant with Fili, I was as large as a watermelon," Dis reassured me just as the dress finally fit over my body. I sighed in defeat, feeling the air escape my lungs at the tightness of the dress. "I'll make sure not to tie the corset too tight for the childs sake," Dis mentions as I felt her hands working at the strings at my back.

"And for my sake," I breathed out, clutching the wall beside me to better support myself.

Dis laughed at my commentary before I heard a satisfied hum from Dis and watched her meet my side, turning my frozen body towards the large mirror.

"You look beautiful," Dis says grasping my arm. I peered at myself in the mirror, and I was surprised at my appearance. Every other time I tried on this exact dress it just felt like any other gown, but now its my wedding day, and I actually felt beautiful in it. The thought that it was such a special day enriched the feeling of wearing the dress. My eyes fell on the necklace Thorin had given me when he proposed and my hand grasped it gently, holding it dear to me and remembering the beautiful moment. Through my thoughts, Dis had spoken up again, "Lets tame this head too. "Dis mentions as she ran her fingers through my tangled red hair.

After sitting and dozing off, hoping sleep would keep my mind off from my nausea, Dis had finally finished my hair, and happened to have applied makeup whilst I was asleep, I suppose she has a knack for these kinds of things.

"You are the most beautiful bride," Dis compliments as she clasped her hands together happy with her finished product. Slowly bringing myself back to reality, Dis brings me back to the mirror, and I gasp softly. Now this was it. I looked like a true bride. Beautiful. Graceful. Elegant.

"A queen," Dis adds, as if she read my mind. My cheeks reddened. Reality was hitting me a lot faster than I had thought, I'm going to be a married women, I'm going to be a queen. Both ideas I had never crossed my mind before. Not until I met Thorin. Of course I've always wanted children, but I hadn't known if I would find my Mr. Right. Now though, Thorin was my one, and I was sure of that to the sharpest degree.

"The ceremony begins in one hour time, all the remaining dwarves of the BLue Mountains and the Iron Hills wil empty to return to Erebor to attend the wedding and ceremony of their queen," Dis began explaining to me as she draped a silk robe over my shoulders to keep me warm and to avoid getting the dress dirty as we began to walk the halls of Erebor. I listened intently, pushing my sudden anxiety to the back of my mind. "Gandalf the Grey and the other 4 wizards will be present, I heard Lord Elrond of Rivendell and his daughter will be here, and the Woodland Realm elves, with her majesty Queen Amon and Princess Merethyl," Dis continued as if checking off a mental list in her head.

Nodding my head, soon I had noticed Dis and I weren't alone anylonger as now many maids scurried behind us, carrying flowers and jewels in their hands. Soon off in the distance I could see Fili, and that only meant Thorin was close behind.

"Thorin mustn't see his bride until the ceremony," Dis exclaimed, before grabbing my hand just before I saw Thorin out the corner of my eye. "That was close, we must hurry, everyone is gathering in the Hall of the Kings," Dis says before I'm being ushered to the grand hall where hundreds probably thousands of dwarves, elves, hobbits, and wizards resided. I peeked just behind a curtain to see the lot of people that sat before the alter. Pulling away quickly in case if someone were to see me, I closed my eyes and took in deep breathes.

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