2- Who's the Alien?

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"How old are you Louis?" Harry asked.

They were sitting down now. Harry had offered him the only chair in the room while he positioned himself on the bed.

"Uhm, I'm 24." That wasn't too personal to answer, right?

Harry's face lid up in a smile.
"I'm 22. Not much of an age difference then. Good."

Louis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Was Harry flirting with him? That would be so inappropriate. Harry blushed. Louis grunted internally. This young man was adorable. Crazy person. Crazy person!

"So how are you feeling today Harry?" Better turn this back to a professional conversation.

Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"It's kind of depressing being here but you certainly made my day better as soon as you knocked at my door, showing that gorgeous face of yours." Harry winked again.

Okay, this was definitely flirting. Best to just ignore it.
"Right... ehm...so walk me through your day. What do you usually do?" Louis asked with a soft voice.

Harry shrugged his shoulders again.
"You mean other than staring at the ceiling? I wake up, eat breakfast. Then I work out, and someone takes me showering. Lunch, therapy session, dinner. Some days I can have a pen and paper under supervision and then I sleep."

That sounded boring and unimaginative.
"Do you draw pictures?"

"No, I write stuff." Harry mumbled.

"Stuff?" Louis questioned.

"Song lyrics." Harry looked down at his hands, clearly uncomfortable.

"Really? That's cool." Louis smiled before he continued
"So do you wanna work out and take a shower after?"

"You can't wait to see me naked huh?" Harry winked.

"W...what?" Louis asked dumbfounded.

Harry laughed at his expression.
"Patients are not allowed to shower without supervision."

Louis's cheeks turned pink. Ed had failed to mention that.
"Oh, right. That's okay. Part of the job I guess."

Harry rolled his eyes, both dimples on display.
"We can just talk today. I'd like to get to know you. I only work out because there's nothing better to do. I can do it tomorrow instead."

This guy would be the death of him.
"Ehm, I'm assigned to you for the rest of the week."

"Great!" Harry grinned.

"So...how long have you been here?" Louis asked.

Harry's mood changed in an instant.
"Four years." He muttered and didn't meet Louis's eyes.

Since he was 18 years old? Poor guy.
"Can I...why are you here?"

Harry snorted.
"I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder."

Louis kept quiet while he let that sink in.
"You don't agree?"

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and gave Louis a defiant glare.

"How come?" Louis found himself intrigued.

"I was actually a psychology student, first year at Uni. I'm not saying I'm an expert or even close but I'm sure I don't have Borderline." Harry sighed and hesitated briefly before he continued.
"I started to get these episodes where I freeze and blank out for a while. Something is wrong with me, but I don't think it's psychological."

"Okay? But how did you end up here then?" Louis questioned. He didn't know what to believe.

Harry dragged a hand through his hair before answering.
"I tried to kill myself when I was 15. I was bullied and lonely and depressed. I...was confused about my sexuality. I didn't want to die, not really. I just... So, when I started to blank out they referred me directly to a psychologist." He rubbed his face in frustration.

Louis put a hand on Harry's knee and squeezed it.
"I get it. I've been there, minus the suicide attempt." Shit! Now he's way too personal!

"So the bullying?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head.

"The loneliness and depression?" Harry asked and Louis nodded his head again.

"The confusion over your own sexuality?" Harry asked. Louis hesitated before he nodded his head one last time.

"That's...wow." Harry was at a loss for words.

"I would appreciate it if you kept this between the two of us. I'm not supposed to tell you personal stuff. I...I Just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who grew up with those issues. I don't know if it helps...I...." Louis sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"It helps. I won't tell a living soul. Thank you, Louis. So you're gay huh? I knew my radar was working." Harry winked.

Louis burst out laughing.
"I'm not gonna tell you that! Boundaries Harry!"

"Which means gay. Good!" Harry grinned.

Louis rolled his eyes but didn't deny it. He was really bad at this job! He wondered how long it would take until he would get fired and how many crazy people would be camping outside his apartment by then.

They talked until it was lunchtime. Time had just flown. Louis took Harry out to the dining area. On their way, Zayn Malik came running down the corridor with his arms flapping on the sides like he pretended to be a bird. Louis gaped in shock.
"Why do you work here Louis when you're afraid of psych patients?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows.

That boy was too attentive for his own good.
"I'm not!" Louis huffed.

Harry rolled his eyes in response and turned to the flying chicken instead.
"Hey, Zayn!"

Louis hid behind him which made Harry chuckle. Zayn stopped in front of them and hugged Harry.

Harry hugged him back.
"You promised me you'd quit Zayn. I didn't want to see you here again."

Zayn pulled out of Harry's arms to look at him.
"Sorry, I was so stressed out. Thought I could handle it this time."

Ed came running down the corridor.
"Zayn! You can't run away from me mate."

Zayn leaned in to whisper to Harry.
"They're after me." He noticed Louis and his eyes grew big. "He's one of them! He's an alien!"

He tried to grab Louis but Harry put out a hand and pushed him back.
"No Zayn! Louis works here. He's not an Alien."

Zayn listened to Harry but gave Louis a calculating look.
"Are you sure Hazza? I mean..."

"Trust me Zayn. I would never let you get taken by aliens." Harry assured him and Zayn relaxed.

Ed had reached them now.
"Thanks, Harry. Come on Zayn. Let's get back to your room."

Zayn followed him willingly. Harry turned to face Louis.
"Are you okay? Zayn is a really sweet guy, he just gets a bit paranoid when he smokes too much."

Louis let out a breath he had been holding.
"Yeah...so maybe I'm a little scared of crazy people, ehm no offense. Don't tell anybody."

"Well, I'm not crazy so... I can't believe you got this job. I'll keep quiet. You'll see there's nothing to be afraid of. God, you're such a dork!" Harry laughed.

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