13-Getting dirty

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It might have started sweet and slow but it soon got heated. Louis pushed Harry down on the sofa and laid on top of him. They deepened the kiss and Harry let out a whimper when Louis started to explore his mouth. Louis's hands came up to cradle Harry's face and he tilted his head for better access. Louis's hand came up to tug Harry's hair and Harry let out a loud moan. Louis rolled his hips and their crotches grinded against each other. They were both hard.

Louis broke loose. He looked down on Harry with blown pupils.
"Is this too much, too soon?" He panted out.

"No. I want you to...Please...I..." Harry rambled and Louis crashed their lips together again.

They kissed for a while, all tongue and lips. Harry's whole body was shaking. He had missed this. Four years without being touched and now someone he loved kissed him and held him. He got impatient and started to tug on Louis's t-shirt. Louis got the hint and sat up to take it off. Harry's breath hitched from the sight of Louis's naked chest. He ran his fingers over Louis's tattoos. In the meantime, Louis was working on Harry's buttons. He finally got the shirt open and immediately leaned down to kiss Harry's naked chest.

Harry moaned from the sensational feeling.
"Do you want to continue this in the bedroom?" Louis mumbled and looked up to meet Harry's eyes.

Harry bit his lower lip and nodded his head. "Yes please."

Louis smiled lovingly at him.
"Always so polite. Come on." He took Harry's hand and pulled him up.

They hurried over to the bedroom and as soon as they had climbed into bed Louis took the lead and started to trail kisses down Harry's jawline. He nibbled his way down to his left collarbone and sucked a bruise on it. Harry was panting and moaning underneath him. He scratched Louis back with his painted fingernails and arched his back in pleasure.

Louis came up to kiss his lips again and smirked at the sight. Harry looked totally wrecked already and they hadn't even started yet.
"Top or bottom?" Louis asked with a smile.

Harry opened his eyes. They were dark from lust.
"Both, but I prefer to bottom." He blushed adorably.

"Great, I prefer top but can bottom as well. We're meant to be Baby." Louis winked and leaned down to suck on Harry's earlobe. Harry let out a whimper. 

"Are you sure you want to do this now? We can just cuddle too." Louis asked, wanting to make sure they didn't do anything Harry wasn't ready for.

"Yeah, Ehm, I want to, haven't...four years...please...." Harry ranted so out of it.

"Shit! I forgot. Don't worry Baby, I'm gonna take really good care of you." Louis cooed and started to nibble on Harry's soft skin again.  

"Aaaah, yes! Please Da...Lou!" Harry whimpered.

Fuck! That was hot! Did Harry almost call him Daddy? Louis's cock twitched in anticipation. He kissed his way down Harry's chest and blew on one of his nipples. Harry let out a heated breath. "What did you almost call me Baby?"

"N...nothing." Harry stuttered. His eyes were closed and he breathed heavily.

Louis took a nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. Harry moaned and grasped the sheets. Louis let go and blew on the nipple again. "I don't mind Love. It's hot."

He took the nipple in his mouth again and pinched the other one between his fingers. "Aaaaaah... Daddy....." slipped out from Harry's lips and Louis growled.

He crashed their lips together fiercely and grinded their crotches together. Harry threw his head back with a loud moan. Louis sat up and started to unzip Harry's pants. He pulled them off and palmed Harry's cock. The boxers were wet from pre-cum.
"You're so fucking sexy Baby." Louis mumbled.

"Please Daddy. Make me come." Harry begged.

Louis had to take a calming breath so he wouldn't jizz in his pants. Bloody hell! He opened the top drawer in his nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom. He pulled down Harry's boxers and made sure to remove his own clothes before he proceeded.
"You have a great cock. You'll have to fuck me some other time." Louis mumbled dirty while he lubed three fingers.

"Love too." Harry replied.

Louis smirked and leaned closer so he would get a good look at Harry's face when he opened him up. He started to circle a finger around Harry's rim and Harry held his breath.
"Look at me, Baby." Louis demanded.

Harry opened his eyes and stared into his. Louis pushed the first finger inside and got to see how much Harry liked it. He moaned out loud but didn't break eye contact. This kind of Harry was Louis's favorite from no on. His curls were messy, his cheeks were red and his eyes were dark from lust. It was the most breathtaking sight of Louis's whole lifetime. Harry was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on and he was so in love with the gorgeous boy.

He started to push his finger in and out and Harry soon begged for more.
He leaned down and took Harry's cock in his mouth as he pushed a second finger inside. Harry threw his head back and moaned "Daddy!"

Louis started to scissor Harry open while he sucked his dick hungrily. Harry breathed erratically and let out obscene moans. He was close. Louis pushed a third finger inside and Harry shouted out loud and orgasmed. Louis continued to open him up through his high and swallowed the warm liquid.

"Oh my God. That was unbelievable!" Harry finally let out and Louis removed his fingers and looked up.
"Have you had enough or can I fuck you now?"

"Please fuck me." Harry answered.

Louis reached for the condom but Harry stopped him.
"I'm clean. I want to feel you."

"Yeah, I'm also clean. Okay."

Louis hurried to lube his length. His whole body was shaking with anticipation. He lined himself up and pushed inside slowly.

The sex was fast and messy. Louis fucked into Harry in an almost desperate way and they both came after a couple of minutes.

"That was amazing Love. I'm sorry I couldn't hold on any longer. It just felt so incredible." Louis apologized when they were wrapped up in each other's arms afterward.

"It was perfect Lou. You are perfect!" Harry smiled.

"So are you Baby. I...I love you." Louis whispered and kissed the top of Harry's head.  

Harry looked up at him with glossy eyes. His lower lip was trembling.
"I love you too!"

Louis's face broke up in a sunshine smile. "Yeah? I'm so happy you do. So, does this mean I can call you me boyfriend?"

"I would really love it if you did." Harry beamed.

"Boyfriend." Louis whispered and pulled him closer. 

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