14-Good things are coming

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"Zayn, I'm not gonna wear a freaking Gucci suit to the meeting. I don't know why you bought that thing." Harry protested.

Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Fine, wear whatever you want. I bought it because it looked amazing on you."

"If you say so. Ehm...is this okay?" Harry held up a green button-up with black flowers on.

"Yes. Put it on."

"Lou! Open up!"

Louis opened the door and a smiling Harry stood outside. Harry stepped inside and shouted excited as soon as the door closed.
"They want me!"

Louis looked confused for a second before it hit him.
"Zayn's management?"

"Yes! They like my songs and want to sign me! It's crazy! Zayn and I  are gonna record Fool's gold tomorrow and release it as a duet. Then I'm starting on my own album and they talked about a tour if the album sells and holy shit, I can't believe this is happening!"

"I can. You're amazing Hazza. You have a great voice and you write awesome songs. Well, I've only heard one so far but that one made me cry and that is an accomplishment." Louis grinned.

He stepped forward and gave Harry a warm hug. " I'm so proud of you baby and I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Lou." Harry beamed.

Three months later Harry opened the door to Louis flat with his spare key. He hadn't moved in, that's too early but Louis gave him a key. Things are going really well and they are happy together.
"Lou? I'm home!"

Harry didn't get an answer. He walked over to the bedroom and heard the shower. The door to the bathroom was opened. Louis suddenly started to sing and Harry's mouth fell open. He sneaked to the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe to listen in. Louis had a beautiful, angelic voice. How come he never heard Louis sing before? He just stood there and listened to his gorgeous boyfriend singing until Louis turned around and spotted him. He immediately stopped singing.
"No, please continue. You have a beautiful voice, Lou!" Harry said in a soft voice.

"You don't have to say that Harry. I know I sound weird." Louis huffed and rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about? You sound like an angel Lou. I love your voice. Just, wow! Why haven't you told me you can sing?" Harry questioned fondly.

Louis stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
"Stop it, Harry." Louis sighed.

Harry stared at him in disbelief.
"Wait! Do you think I'm lying just to be nice? I wouldn't do that to you, Lou. Your voice is really special."

"Maybe it's okay." Louis shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

Well, okay was at least better than his previous weird. Harry was surprised that Louis was so insecure about his singing voice. He would change that as time went by.

They snuggled up in bed together before they turned the lights off and fell asleep.


"I can't believe I'm going on tour!" Harry shouted excitedly. He was pacing back and forward in Louis's livingroom.

Louis looked at him with mixed emotions on display. He was proud, amused, and a little sad at the same time. The sadness was purely egoistic. A tour meant he wouldn't see his boyfriend in months. He pushed those feelings aside and smiled at Harry.
"You already sold so many records, of course, you're going on tour. I'm so proud of you Baby."

Harry flopped down on the sofa next to Louis with a grin.
"Thanks, Love."

Louis tried to sound unaffected.
"So how long will you be away?"

"Six months to start with." Harry beamed.

Louis felt tears burning behind his eyes. Six months without his Baby? The thought was unbearable.
"Oh, sounds great."

Harry wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at Louis.
"What's wrong Love?"

"Nothing. I'm really happy for you. I'm just gonna miss you that's all." Louis tried to smile reassuringly but it might have come out like a grimace instead.

"But you're coming with me! You have to come with me! I can't stay separated from you that long or at all really." Harrys said with eyes wide open.

Louis couldn't help but chuckle.
"That's sweet Love but that's...I mean, do you want me to follow you around like a groupie? I have a job and bills to pay. I can't just leave for six months."

"I already talked to my management. They'll offer you a job." Harry smiled.

"What? So I'm some kind of trophy wife now? No, Harry, I can't do that." Louis sighed irritated and dragged a hand through his hair.

"Of course not! It wouldn't be like that! I just want you to come with me. I love you! I don't wanna do this without you." Harrys lower lip started to tremble.

"I love you too Harry but this is your dream. I can't stay in the way of that." Louis sighed. "I mean, what would I even do? What would my job be?"

"Don't you ever for a second believe that your standing in my way. You're so supportive and loving. What would you like to do for a living if you could choose?" Harry replied and bit his lower lip.

"I have no fucking idea." Louis huffed.

"Personal trainer? Bus driver? Stylist? Dancer? Bodyguard?" Harry suggested with a smile.

Louis burst out laughing.
"I would be terrible at all of those things!"

"Background singer?" Harry continued, serious this time.

"Yeah, right." Louis snorted.

Harry cupped Louis's cheeks and kissed his nose. "Don't do that Love. You have an amazing voice. I have written so many mushy love songs about you. They would sound great with a second harmony. Just think about it, okay? We can go down to the studio and rehearse. We can record it so you can hear how good it will sound. Yeah?" Harry looked at his boyfriend with hopeful eyes and an adorable pout.

How was Louis gonna say no to that? "Okay, let's go to the studio."

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