6-Other commitments

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Louis had felt awful when his shift ended on Friday and he got to go home. Harry had looked so sad but had given him a smile that didn't reach his eyes and waved him off.

Louis slept in on Saturday and didn't get up from bed until 1 o'clock. He spent the day in front of the tv.
The weekend went by slowly. He had no plans. He didn't really know anybody yet. He had moved to London a couple of months ago. His closest friend was Harry so far and that was just weird even if it didn't feel strange. He was sure he and Harry had become the best of friends if they had met somewhere else. There was an instant connection between them that Louis never felt with someone else, but then there was this small detail; the boy was crazy!

Louis realized that five days in Harrys
company had changed his preconception about mentally ill people. He of course knew deep inside that he had a really twisted outlook to start with and it wasn't something he was proud of. Who thinks like that? Apparently he did. He was awful! Louis felt ashamed. He was glad he had met Harry. The boy had really opened his eyes.

He walked to work on Monday with light steps. He had really missed it. If he would be honest, he had missed Harry. He greeted Eleanor and hurried to get changed. Ed met up with him.
"Good morning Louis. Come on."

They walked into the nurse's station.
"How was your first week?" Ed asked.

"Okay." Louis answered.

"Good. So you're getting more patients now under your supervision." Ed said and Louis's heart sank. No more Harry?

"Harry has requested you. That's the first time he's ever put in a request like that. The two of you must have really hit it off huh?" Ed was examining him closely.

Louis tried to keep a straight face, and not give away how excited that made him.
"He's easy to get along with."

"Yeah, just... be careful, alright? Anyhow, your patients will be Mr. Styles, Mr. Malik, Mrs. Andersson, Miss Wilson, and Mr. McGreggor. Here are their files. Read them."

Louis's eyes grew wide.
"Mr. Malik? He thinks I'm an Alien."

"He has calmed down. No worries. Make sure you divide your time between your patients. Here are their schedules. Ask me or someone else if you need help. Breakfast is in an hour. Make sure they are awake." Ed smiled before he walked away.

Right. He could do this. He was happy that Harry had requested him. He wouldn't be able to spend the whole day with him but at least he would be seeing him every day. He didn't want to think too much about why that made him so happy.

He walked out of the station and headed to his first patient, Mrs. Andersson. She turned out to be a sweet old lady who asked him if she could move in with him and be his cat. Louis declined in a friendly way and reminded her of breakfast. He walked her out to the dining area before he went to check on his next patient.

Miss Wilson was delighted to see him and asked if he wanted to have sex. He managed to redirect her thoughts on breakfast instead.

Mr. McGreggor didn't answer when he spoke to him. He was just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Depressed? Louis promised to come back with a breakfast tray.

He took a deep breath before he knocked on Mr. Malik's door. He poked his head inside. Zayn was sitting on his bed.
"Ehm, good morning Zayn. I'm Louis."

"I know who you are. Harry really likes you." Zayn answered with a smirk.

"Harry talks about me?" Louis asked. This was bad.

"Yeah, I don't think he's really aware of it but don't worry. I think he only does it with me, we're friends." Zayn answered, giving Louis a thoughtful look.

"Right." Louis didn't know what to say.

"Harry is a really sweet guy. Don't take advantage of him." Zayn said slowly, not breaking eye contact.

Louis's eyes grew wide.
"I would never do that! We have a strict patient and keeper relationship. I would never break my professional ethics."

"Sure..." Zayn didn't sound convinced.
"Just, don't hurt him. Okay? He deserves everything. He deserves to be loved for who he is. He deserves freedom. I hate that he's locked up here." Zayn sighed.

"You really care about him, don't you?" Louis asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah. I'm a fuck up. I'm well aware. I end up here regularly. Harry has been a rock. He's so kind and caring." Zayn replied, sounding emotional.

"Do you...believe he's mentally ill?" Louis hesitated to ask.

"No." Zayn answered firmly.

"Oh, right. Well Zayn, It's time for breakfast. Do you find your way to the dining area by yourself?" Louis just wanted to go and see Harry.

Zayn rolled his eyes.
"I think I'll manage."

"Good. Talk to you later." Louis hurried off.

When he opened door 28 Harry greeted him with a breathless "Lou!" His face broke out in a beautiful dimple smile that took Louis's breath away.

"Hi, Harry. How are you?"

"I'm great now." Harry winked. "You?"

"I'm good." Louis smiled. "So, you requested me huh?"

Harry blushed and bit his lower lip.
"Yeah, hope that's okay?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah, I'm glad you did but I got other patients now as well so I won't be able to spend my whole workday with
you." Louis answered.

"I get that. It's okay Lou." Harry smiled.

"So...breakfast time. Do you want to eat here or out in the dining area?" Louis continued.

"If I eat in here, can you keep me company then?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll just go and grab a tray for you then. I have to bring one to another patient as well but I'll be back soon." Louis promised.

Harry flew up from the bed.
"I'll go with you. I can help you carry."

Louis couldn't help but smile at the adorable boy.
"Sounds great! Come on."

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