Chapter 1

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My heart skipped a beat as I parked my car in the lobby and headed to the lift with a cup of latte for the sweetheart. It's been all week, and I finally get the see her again. As I pranced in the hallways towards the entrance of her apartment, I creased a vibrant smile and knocked onto the door.

"Password?" Jennie's expectant, eager tone sounded from across the barrier. Her voice, to be honest, was my source of encouragement after each week has gone by in a hassle.

"Bing bang bong, Jennie is my ding dong." I whispered against the door knob with a chuckle, plastering a silly grin over my chubby face.

Seconds later, the door jabbed open with a squeak, slightly revealing Jennie's attractive cat eyes before she fully opened it and spread her arms wide with a smile.

"Come in stupid." My cheeks bloomed as she chuckled and I scooped her in for a hug.

"Here, for you, one upsized 20 percent sugar american latte with 2 pumps of vanilla syrup and 3 pumps of steamed milk, extra whipped cream and 2 scoops of chocolate chips." My hand automatically stretched out the drink I was holding and seeing Jennie's complexion brighten up made my heart melt.

As if I've been doing this for the millionth time, Jennie hugged me again and pulled me towards the sofa.

"What movie do you wanna watch today? Last week was horror, so.. what else do you have in mind?"

"How about, comedy?" I chopped a disk out of the folder and fixed it into the display. "Okay!" Jennie leaned back into the couch and drank her all time usual order with a cheeky grin on her face.

Jennie and I have been friends for a year, we met at a park outside her house while we were walking our pets.

Leo was sick, and I was panicking like a grandma who lost her hearing aids, so I desperately needed to find a vet. But unfortunately, there wasn't one near my house and the nearest I could find was located at the park near Jennie's.

I mean, I do try walking Leo but he refuses and ends up scratching me. I still love him though. He was a gift from my parents before they passed away tragically during a road trip. The car flipped, and tumbled down a nearby hill.

I wasn't with them, but before I knew it, they were gone, and I was left alone. Until I started living with my grandmother, I turned 13. Down the road she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer at the age of 71 and was admitted to the hospital. So I practically lived alone ever since.

On the weekdays, I go to college and after class ends, I work part time at a cafe that was literally named 'cafe' until night where I take care of my grandmother at her ward. I've been busy making a living and so that's why I can only meet Jennie on the weekends.

Well since I worked at a cafe, the latte I got for Jennie was made by me too. And it's her favourite drink and I'd gladly brew it for her whenever she wants.

Back to Jennie and I, I absolutely adored her when I first saw her, even now. Only on the weekends when I am free, I choose to spend my time with her.

She has been living alone for most of her life and we both go to different colleges. But here I am again in her house, watching netflix and relaxing with her as per our normal routine.

I enjoy spending time with her, a lot, I really do.

When we met at the park a year ago, I was lost in her area trying to find the vet but she was nice enough to help me. And then when I thought I wouldn't see her again, we ran into each other while I was trying to catch Leo.

Apparently, he went bonkers because the wind blew his toy mouse away and he just dashed for it. Being the over concerned me, I went after him and crashed into Jennie while she was walking her dog, Kuma.

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