Chapter 9

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Jennie POV

It was an hour before Austin's grand birthday party and I was getting ready for it. Simple make up, fancy dress and a light charismatic smile to brighten up my entire image.

I forgot to mention but he invited all our classmates from all over different levels to his party and I'm not surprised because he is, afterall, the most well known senior in our college.

I was waiting for him to pick me up to the venue when my mind floated back to this morning, when I went to the cafe to retrieve my phone.

"Hey Jisoo, I left my phone here yesterday right?" I asked as I entered the cafe, Madie was busy preparing the stocks for today's business.

"Oh right, about that, I'm curious about something." She said as she dropped whatever she was holding and walked over with my phone in her hand, to the table I was seated at before plopping her ass down.

"What is it?" I asked, I didn't really understand where she was coming from.

"You saw Lisa at the club yesterday right?"

"Yeah, I did, I tried calling Rosé to come pick her up but I couldn't reach her so I ended up taking Lisa home."

"So the thing is, yesterday someone called you around the time I assumed you were already at the club, but I was busy so the call was missed. And when I checked back at your notifications, Lisa was calling."

I furrowed my eyebrows, she's not making a single sense. "What do you mean?"

"That's the thing, I found it really funky so here, check it. Lisa called you at 2.33am." Madie said and passed me the cold device. I thought for a moment, and that was the time I called Rosé too. What the hell? "Did you call Rosé using your phone or Lisa's phone?"


"What? So you called yourself using Lisa's phone? Are you dumb or what Jen?"

"No wait—"

"You were trying to call Rosé right? Did you think you were Rosé so you called yourself? What's going on—"

"No! Wait wait, what the fuck is going on?"


"Lisa didn't want to go home so I thought calling Rosé would help. I dialled the caller ID 'Sweetheart' using Lisa's phone because since they are dating, that's probably what Lisa named her contact as, but the call was missed. Rosé didn't pick up."

"What the shit?"

"I assumed the contacts 'Sweetheart' was Rosé, but it called my phone instead." My heart was beating frantically at the point of time.

"How did you know that?"

"Because I called Rosé using Lisa's phone at 2.33am too."

"No way! So... you're a sweetheart to Lisa!" Madie squealed in realisation.

"What? That can't be!"

"Oh it all makes sense now, there are some things I know that you don't Jen." She spoke secretively before I glared at her. What is she hiding? I wanted to get my queries out of her but I remembered I had to get ready for Austin's party so I decided to just cut to the chaste. "If you see Lisa later, don't you go around telling her what just happened. I'll confront her about it myself."

"Alright bossy pants." Jisoo grumbled.

"But why would MY contacts be saved on her phone as 'Sweetheart'?" My heart was racing at the mention of it, like, why? What's the meaning behind it?

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