Chapter 8

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Lisa POV

As the rays of the radiant sunlight shone into my room through the windows, my eyes dilated to scan around the place. My head had a throbbing pain and I blinked my eyes continuously, trying to keep myself focus.

Must be the alcohol.

I fiddled in my bed, ruffling through the sheets as I stretched my arms before the door to my room creaked open.

"Oh hi, you're awake?" Rosé came in wearing an apron with one hand holding a plate of pancakes, and the other with a cup of water. Her sweet voice echoed through the room as I scrunched my eyes to the lighting and smiled as soon as I saw her.

"Hey babe, what happened last night?" I shook my head in stress as I tried to recall anything that happened, of course I remember my grandmother's passing. I frowned at the thought of it but broke a smile to keep my mood in place.

"I'm not too sure because I wasn't with you, but Jisoo told me I should come over today to see you. Are you alright?" She sat on the edge of my bed and placed the food on the desk.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." I shrugged and sat up on my bed. Rosé passed me the cup of water and I drank it well.

"I wanted to make you pancakes for breakfast." She smiled but it looked kinda off for a minute. She then used a fork and knife to cut it into smaller pieces before she fed one to my mouth.

I decided to shrug off the thought and munched in delight.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to trouble you but these are awesome." I pouted and gave her a hug before she grinned like a child again. "Don't worry baby. Make sure you finish the pancakes!" She paused but spoke again. "Oh yeah, Austin's party is later at 5 remember? We should leave together."

Right, her best friend's birthday.

I forgot about it all these while I've been told like 2 weeks back and I didn't really want to care at all. "You can go home and get ready. I'll be sure to pick you up." I smiled.

"Okay! See you later!" She squealed with delight. Yeah, I can't hurt Rosé.

"Yeah, see you."


"Look who decided to come." Madie beamed when she saw me walk through the cafe entrance on a weekend afternoon.

"Hey." I sighed and yawned before smacking my head to keep myself steady from my giddiness. "What happened to you yesterday Lisa?" Madie bugged from behind my shoulder as I put down my bag and grabbed my staff uniform to change into.

"Grandma passed, and I can't really remember what happened afterwards anymore but I'm pretty sure I drank." I took a quick glance to her before she raised her eyebrows and said a little too loud.

"I wasn't actually asking you Lisa, I know what happened. And my condolences to your grandmother, I know you loved her a lot."

"Thank you. But how did you know?" I swiftly put on my uniform and buttoned the shirt as I asked her with genuine curiosity.

"Jennie told me."

I stopped in my tracks with some silence before I spoke again. "Uh... okay?"

"She went to find you when you were passed out at Las club."

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