Chapter 5

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Lisa POV

"Lisa! He knows and remembers me! How much more perfect can he get?!" That was the first thing Jennie said to me when I entered her house yet again on another stress-free weekend early in the morning.

But this news is apparently, stress-full.

I rolled my eyes at the back of my mind and the first thing I replied her with was, "I ordered pizza, let's eat it later during a movie."

"Seriously? Can we ditch the movie today? I need to rant to you about how amazing he is." She got a little frustrated as she followed me to the coach. I plunged myself on it, face first and shut my eyes, not wanting to hear anymore of anything that would arouse my jealousy nerves.

I groaned.

"You want to break our 49th Netflix streak, just to fantasise about that guy?" I scoffed in disbelief, she would not.

"Uh, duh. There's finally something interesting in my life so it's important?" She sarcastically asked me a rhetorical question and I got a little offended. How could she and why would she break that streak? Oh hell no.

You know what? Do as you wish sweetheart, I will just sit here like an obedient child and listen to your nonsense, how about that?

I was tempted to say that out loud but my mouth cooperated with me for once.

"Fine." I strictly gave in and her eyes brightened. Seeing that would always make my day better, even if she is still going to end up dreaming about someone else that's not me.

"See? What did I tell you? You're the fucking best." She mouthed the last sentence with huge emphasis and it got me slightly annoyed for some reason.

"Okay so, when you took Rosé out, I was actually studying with him at the library! Like can you believe it? He was..."

Right. Listen up my fellow readers, if I don't want to hear her bullshit about some guy she has a crush on, none of you would want to as well.

You would agree with me on that won't you?

Like, this story is supposed to be about me and her, not her and some random ass dude!

I stared at her with a monotonic expression, obviously not even paying any attention to whatever she's saying. I don't want to, to be very honest.

Why do I feel like maybe I should just ditch her for Rosé right now?

"Lisa, he's so fucking cute, like he patted my head and I think I'm making great progress." Jennie giggled while thinking about it. "Oh yeah, how's you and Rosé?"

"She's great actually, she loved the latte I made her. Madie adores her as well when she saw her." I spoke with slight sarcasm, trying to proof a point that I made progress too.

"That's awesome! This plan is going so well! We're both slowly getting into relationships!!" She squealed again.

Yeah, wrong ones.

"I guess." I sighed. That was meant to make you get a hint, not to agree with me. Ugh, nothing goes accordingly in my life anymore.

I can't even make the girl I like, like me back!

Shut up Lisa, you have Rosé now so get over Jennie. Rosé's a nice girl!

I know I have Rosé okay?! I'm not dumb I just can't help but still feel jealous. I—

My stream of thoughts were leading on but Jennie suddenly snapped me out of it. "I can't stop thinking about him." She whined.

Just don't think about him, isn't that simple like a b c, he's uglier than me?

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