Chapter 3

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It was Friday, and as promised, I was back sneaking around Jennie's college. I'm glad I'm skilled, because if I get caught, this shit be dead.

"You just HAD TO use the back gate." Jennie hissed at me with discontentment. Sweetheart was crossing her arms with an angry pout on her face but you have to agree with me that, THAT'S CUTE.

"What? It's safer going through by here." I scratched my forehead and fixed my bucket hat in place because it almost fell out while I was climbing.

"But then people will notice I've been lurking around here when no student is supposed to be here at all! And Imma get caught instead of you." Jennie walked ahead of me, not wanting to be in eye contact with me.

"Well, I didn't even ask you to come! You insisted!" I whispered with slight hiss, trying to explain myself while keeping up with her tiny but flashy feet towards the staircase.

"Okay, okay! Fine! You win! Stop trying to make my day worst for me." She placed her hands covering her eyes and forehead slowly as we stomped up the stairs.

"What happened? Mason again?"


"Tell me—"

"SHH—" In an instant, Jennie covered her hands over my pestering mouth as she dragged me against the silent, supposedly 'empty' block of staircase.

"What is it?" I whispered very soundly. It was then that I noticed Jennie's concentrative spirit leaning against the wall as she peeked momentarily. I zipped my lips and crept behind her, watching attentively as well.

Austin and Rosé were there, loitering around the block where no students were supposed to be located at during this hour.

"What? Why are they here?" Jennie cautiously questioned.

"Tell me about it.." I trailed off before a thought formed in my mind and my eyebrows raised with curiosity. I knew I had to do it.

"Come on."

And before the Sweetheart had anytime to protest or ask why, I was pulling onto her small wrist along with me as we tracked the two. We were slouching in a sneaking position, hiding behind every corner that could be used as shelter and trying not to get spotted.

Some would call me, Ninja Lalisa.

"What are you doing Lisa?!" Jennie whispered in frustration.

"Just follow me, I know what I'm doing."

"I don't like playing hide and seek Lisa, I'm not a child!" Sweetheart threatened as she balled her fists up with her eyebrows creased but that only made my heart melt.

"Hide and seek is not a child's game—" As soon as I spoke, I immediately came to a halt as I spotted the two sneak into an old changing room. Due to the speed of our chase, Jennie's little head bumped into my shoulder as she held out her hand to rub her head in pain with a little wince.

"Ow, what was that for—"

"Shh.. they're inside." I gradually led Jennie and I upwards to the edge of the door and peeked inside for a split second before retracting my head back like a tortoise. Feeling relieved, Jennie sensed the expression on my face before she peeked in too.

Calming down from what we saw, Jennie smiled in content as looked at me for a second before pulling me out of the hallway. Once we were out of sight and into a common area with other students, Jennie heaved a huge sigh.

"So they were just raising a puppy together?" She questioned herself in the most adorable way ever and shrugged at the idea of it. "That's fine, I mean all this time I thought they were sneaking out to do the banana thing."

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