Chapter 4

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"Alright, yesterday they were normal during that lecture right?" Jennie asked as she pulled on my sleeves and made a cute face.

"Yeah, you asked me that a like thousand times on the way home Jennie." I sighed before she continued. It's not that I'm irritated but I'm just trying not to be because she bothers too much about him. "I was just.. making sure. So since that's the case, you can go ask Rosé out today."

"What? Today? I was planning on doing it on Friday!" I whined but Jennie slapped me lightly on my shoulders and replied, "The earlier the better."

So here's me, Lalisa Manoban, walking up to a random stranger I barely even know for the second time, but in the library and with her side dude. The thing is, surprisingly, Rosé still remembers me from last week.


"Oh hi! Lisa right? Did you sneak in again?" Rosé chuckled as she flashed an alluring smile and waved her hand towards me.

"I sure did, how do you still remember me? It's been a week." I scratched my nape in amusement that someone was the least bit interested in me.

[a/n] We're all interested in you in real life lili.

"You asked me out for coffee, how would I forget?" She chuckled again, this time it was cuter and much more warm. "And also, you said you'd drop by last Friday."

"I see, right, so are you free now? To grab coffee?" My eyes shaped into a crescent as I brought my lips into a welcoming smile. Still stuffing my hands into the pockets of my denim jeans, Rosé looked towards Austin before she grinned apologetically at me.

"I'd love to, but I actually have plans with Austin later I—"

"Don't worry about a thing Rosie, you can go on your date." Austin interrupted her as she was slightly stuttering. "You can always hang out with me any other time but Lisa over here only comes by a few times a week, so just go. Just be sure to watch a movie with me over the weekend."

I actually appreciate this guy for once, although he was going to be the one to have Jennie all for himself. But he cooperated with me and my plan so Jennie get to spend time with him.

At least the guy I'm helping Jennie chase after does not seem like such an asshole.

"I'm sorry Austin, you really don't mind?" Rosé's australian accent makes it all sound so much better though. The guy gave a nod accordingly, assuring my date that she's good. I guess I would have regretted more if the person I was chasing just to help Jennie was bitchy, but Rosé is honestly such a nice individual.

Can I just say I'm starting to not really regret this anymore?

"Sorry man, promise the next time I'll inform beforehand if I wanna take Rosé out." I winked at Austin and he just smiled back politely while I stretched my hand out for the blushing blonde angel. I swiftly turned to Jennie for a split second before sending her a 'got her, now's your turn' signal.

"You remembered my name too?" Rosé asked surprised.

"Of course, how could I forget when I was going to take you out?" I shrugged but that made the cheeks of the girl beside me become flushed red. "Besides, Rosé is a pretty name for a pretty girl. It's catchy."

The girl suddenly became shy and didn't dare to spare me a look as we walked together out of her school. Not going to lie, she's really REALLY cute for a girl the same age as me. And I'm actually glad we're the same age because it'd be weird if she was older or at Austin's age.

I really wonder what she sees in me.

That Jennie doesn't.

"Where are we going?" She asked after keeping silent for a good 3 minutes.

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