Chapter 2

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"I can... help you find a boyfriend?"

"You will?"

"I mean, well sure... if that makes you happy?"

"Lisa," Jennie frustratedly sat up from the grass patch as she jokingly shouted at me. "you can't just 'help me get a boyfriend', it doesn't work that way!"

"I mean well, anything is possible, right?" I bit my lips, wondering why I even suggested this stupid idea. Sweetheart was obviously keen on this plan and that made me feel like maybe she's really right about this.

Getting a Boyfriend.

"You seriously don't make any sense right now." Jennie pouted and laid down on the grass again. "A plan is a plan, but you can't just 'get a boyfriend' when you want to."

I pondered for a moment before it finally hit me, although I didn't want this. "Wait, didn't you tell me a senior from your school was eye candy? Who was that again?"

"Austin?" Jennie said with sparkly eyes.

"Yeah... him." Austin Ricci is the hottest senior in Jennie's college. He practically have girls from all levels drooling over him, and well, Jennie has been kinda crushing on him for a long time just like any other girl in her school would. If it was for just his looks, I would have thought it was unreasonable, but turns out, he was actually a really kind and charming guy. What makes him hotter, is the fact that he's mixed blood, american italian.

Bonus, he's got cash.

"Uh... yeah, what about him? It's been years and he never notices me, probably because of that Rosé girl." Jennie scoffed softly to herself.

"They're just friends, aren't they?"

"I mean, they claim it that way but, he's been rejecting all the girls that ask him out, why else would he do that if he isn't into Rosé?"

Seeing Jennie devastated was never sightly to me, and that somehow drove my motivation to help her even further. What she said actually made sense though.

"Then I'll make her like me."

"What?" Jennie's eyes widened and I'd know she wasn't into this plan. She is the nicest most sweetest girl I've ever met, or so I'm believing, and I know she wouldn't want to do that to anyone on purpose which may hurt them in the long run.

That's the reason why I call her sweetheart,

but only in my mind.

"If... I draw her attention away from him, you can get closer to him, but that's all on you afterwards." My mind tells me not the say it, but my mouth just refuses to listen to me.

"I'd like that but, I might have to call it off. If you're doing it without—"

"She's pretty, it won't hurt to get to know her."

Jennie gasped and stared at me, not really believing the extra mile I would run for her if it means to finally be in a relationship with the guy she likes. "You would do that?" Jennie held my hands together while sitting impatiently on the grass.

"I mean well, maybe it's time for me to date too you know?"

The sweetheart's eyes grew yet again and I can tell she's now being convinced, but not really in the way I initially wanted it to be.

"God! You're the best, ever!" Jennie exclaimed before she pulled me down to lie right beside her. I watched as her smile grew bigger, she's probably thinking about it already. About being in a relationship with Austin.

"Wow, what would I seriously do without you in my life?" Sweetheart mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes to take a breather. She is so gorgeous I always wonder how does someone like her exist.

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