Track 7: He loves me?

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Yuzuru's cheeks were bright red and it wasn't because of the cold. Yuzuru was back in Canada for his training. He was walking into the ice rink and he was nervous because Javier could show up any minute. 

"Are you okay?" Brian asked.

 Yuzuru nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." He answered as convincingly as he could. His stomach was going crazy. He'd never felt this way before and he was irritated by it. Why couldn't he just focus? He refused to let whatever had happened between him and Javier stop him from doing his best in training. 

He skated onto the ice and started doing laps and some simple jumps. He turned his Javi-mind off and his Ice skating-mind on. And he finally felt in control again. If Javi was gonna show up, he would've been here already. This thought reassured him. 

He kept on skating and at a certain point he was lost in his skating again. Transported to a different world, the way he'd always felt. He was grateful and happy to be skating here again.

 "Oh look who decided to show up!" Brian's irritated voice screamed. 

Yuzuru's body instantly tensed up as he almost felt his presence as he walked into the rink. 

"I'm sorry." Javier apologized. 

Yuzuru's head turned to Javier and he didn't notice he was staring. 

Javier seemed to have. He smiled at Yuzuru whose heart started beating even faster than it had before. 

He quickly looked away.

Javier stared at Yuzuru who almost fell to the ground from the sudden sharp turn he made. 

"Hello? Are you paying any attention at all?" Brian's angry voice reminded Javier of who he was talking to. 

"Yes?" He smiled. He'd lost it. Last night Javier had gone out with friends and he might have had a little much to drink. He woke up this morning with a huge hangover but once he realized Yuzuru would be here, he rushed to get ready. Now he was twenty minutes late.. 

"I'm sorry." Javier apologized. Still paying more attention to Yuzuru than to Brian. 

"You know what? I don't care. Your behavior is out of control! Showing up twenty minutes late with the competitions right around the corner-" 

"They're months away." Javier said calmly. 

"Go." Brian said angrily. 

"What?" Javier asked. 

"If you can't take skating, me or my time seriously get the hell out of this rink. I don't want to see you today. Come back when you're ready to win." Brian turned around continued coaching Yuzuru. 

Javier walked out of the rink feeling irritated. Not just because his trainer had blown up on him. That was bad enough. He saw Brian as a father and he didn't want him to be disappointed in him. 

The thing that irritated him most was that he wasn't going to get to see Yuzuru skate. Yuzuru was staying a hotel from now on, not at Brian's house. And he hadn't responded to any of the calls or texts that Javier had sent. He was afraid he might hate him. When he smiled at him in the rink just now, Yuzuru just looked away. He didn't even smile back. Did he hate him or something? 

Yuzuru lied down on the hotel bed. "Is everything alright? You seemed so distracted." Brian's words rang through Yuzuru's head. He was distracted. With Javier Fernandez. 

"Oh no!!! Why me!" Yuzuru threw a little pretend tantrum and banged against the mattress with his fists and feet. He was so sick of himself. He'd been distracted all week and he thought that skating again might actually make things better but they didn't. His head was still filled with Javier. Javier was ruining his skating career. Was he doing it on purpose? Making him feel all gooey so he couldn't concentrate? 

Yuzuru heard a knock on his door. He sighed, got up and walked over to the door. It might be his mother. She said she might come. 

Yuzuru opened the door and almost fell down when he saw Javier's big smile. 

"Hey." Javi said, walking into the room. 

"Hi." Yuzuru finally said. 

"I've missed you." Javier sat down on the bed. "And you've missed my calls. And didn't return a single one of 'em." Javier continued. 

Yuzuru scratched his head. "Yeah.. I was.. really busy." He lied. Since when was he a liar? 

"Every second of every day?" Javier stood up. 

Yuzuru looked away. 

"What's going on?" He asked. 

Yuzuru stared at his feet. 

Javier came up to him and embraced him.

 Yuzuru pushed him away. "It's because you keep doing that! It's all your fault! I can't skate because you're stuck in my mind all the time!" Yuzuru said loudly. 

Javier tried to keep himself from smiling. 'He loves me?'  he thought. 



Mmm.. okay.

Yuzuru Hanyu is freaking adorable and I(Javier Fernández) am in love with him.Where stories live. Discover now