Track 15: Competition Season

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Yuzuru was leaned against the car window as he fiddled with his hands. It was the start of competition season which inevitably resulted to Yuzuru turning into an anxious mess. In two days they would be kicking off the skating season with the Finlandia Trophy of 2012.

They were in Finland at last. Today they would finally get to their hotel. They'd meet up with the other skaters and then they'd put the finishing touches on their skating routines. Both Yuzuru and Javier were competing in the men's singles category for the Finlandia Trophy. This would be their first competition together as training partners. Yuzuru was nervous as he felt he hadn't practiced enough. He was never really good at competing. Mentally, anyways. He would always get stressed and worry about how his skating would reflect on his country, amongst other things. He felt a great responsibility on his shoulders. He wanted to make Japan proud. He also wanted to make his mother proud, his father.. 

Javier would most likely take first place. Yuzuru didn't know how he would respond to that. But.. what if Yuzuru won? Would Javier be mad at him? Would their friendship be over? Were they even friends to begin with? After what had happened a week ago Yuzuru had been feeling even more conflicted. He almost said he loved Javier. If Javier hadn't interrupted him with that kiss (Yuzuru had never been happier with a kiss from Javier) then he might have said it. Yuzuru did love Javier, that wasn't the point. He just.. didn't want him to know that. Was that so wrong? 

Javier poked Yuzuru playfully. Yuzuru was back in the real world again. 

"Why are you so tense?" Javier started massaging Yuzuru who looked at the passengers seat in front of him in fear. If Brian saw this.. 

"Stop.." Yuzuru pulled away and motioned to Brian. 

Yuzuru hadn't thought about it but this would be their first public outing since they started becoming.. whatever they were. What if Javier kissed him in public? What if Javier wouldn't listen to him if he asked him to keep a low profile? What if he got mad or something?

Javier sighed. 

"Fine. I won't give you my amazing massage." Javier crossed his arms.

He was definitely angry. Yuzuru sighed and instantly felt guilty.

"But I will give you this!" Javier surprised Yuzuru by turning around with a massive smile on his face. He started tickling him and Yuzuru couldn't stop laughing. 

This was how the past days had been. Yuzuru had been a mess, more stressed than ever preparing for the competition. And just as Yuzuru would reach his breaking point, Javier would come and cheer him up, lighten the mood somehow. There was a calmness inside Javier that had helped Yuzuru through the roughest of days. Any time Yuzuru felt nervous or unsure, Javier was there to tell him "Don't worry about it." 

Javier wasn't worried about the competition at all. He had trained enough, he had a clear head  and he had Yuzuru by his side. He couldn't be more prepared. 

Yuzuru, Javier and their coach Brian stepped out of the big black car and looked at the hotel in front of them. This was where they would be spending the next days in preparation for their upcoming competition.

The three walked through the door and were greeted by all the high profile skaters competing in the competition. They gave hugs,  shook hands and reunited with old friends. Brian was the first to head to his room.

"Sorry guys," Brian pulled Yuzuru and Javier aside. "I couldn't get a separate room in time. You're gonna have to share." 

Javier smiled bright and put an arm around Yuzuru. "I don't think that'll be a problem." Javier said as he gave Yuzuru a look that made Yuzuru's knees weak. 

Brian rolled his eyes with a smile. "Of course not." 

When Brian had gone to his room the boys returned to their friends to catch up with them. Strangely, Yuzuru didn't feel nervous talking to everyone the way he had before. He felt calm and happy to see them again. 

After a big group dinner with some of the skaters filled with good luck wishes, Yuzuru and Javier finally reached their room. Once inside, Javier kissed Yuzuru hungrily.

"Been waiting to do that all day." He smiled. 


The next day Brian noticed both his skaters were in a very cheerful mood, which made him wonder what had happened the night before..

Yuzuru and Javier were warming up for their last full practice day before the competition. They were both laughing and having a good time in an unmentioned competition of 'who can skate faster'. Javier and Yuzuru pushed each other playfully as each one tried to win.

"Guys!" Brian complained from the sideline. 

Yuzuru and Javier were both laughing hysterically at this point. 

Javier grabbed onto Yuzuru's waist and pulled him close. They spun around on their ice skates and suddenly they were a skating pair. They held onto each others hands and spun around together, going faster then ever. 

Brian had given up on stopping them at this point and just sighed and waited for them to finish. 

The boys spun faster and faster, eventually loosing balance and falling to the ice. Yuzuru ended up on top of Javier and they continued laughing. Yuzuru looked in Javier's eyes that were lit up with joy. Yuzuru felt happier than ever and in this moment any bit of left over stress or uncertainty about the competition was swept away.

Yuzuru was ready. 



Sorry for the wait! Hope you liked this chapter. There's lots more interesting stuff to come. The introduction of a new character for one. I think everybody loves this person, can you guess who it is? I'm so excited. Please keep reading and voting. Thank you guys!<3

Yuzuru Hanyu is freaking adorable and I(Javier Fernández) am in love with him.Where stories live. Discover now