Track 1: The Mystery Skater

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"You're late, again." Brian complained. 

"It's two minutes!" Javier answered outraged. 

"If I tell you to be here at 6, I want to see you at 6, not 6:02!" Brian said, once again angered. Olympic champion and coach Brian Orser had been training with Javier for eight months now and he was still not used to the 'strict' schedule. 

"I'm sorry, dad." Javier joked and flashed that smile that turned everyone on the receiving end to mush. 

Brian just rolled his eyes. 

"On the Ice, now. Have you done your warm ups?" He asked, slightly irritated. 

"Yes sir." Javier took off one skate guard, got on the ice and then took off the other as he was gliding. He started with the usual on-ice warm up: laps. 

Brian found himself wondering off in thought. He had a meeting tonight. A very important and urgent one according to the person that had requested it. A few weeks ago Brian had received a invitation to a meeting from an anonymous skater in Japan who really wanted Brian to be his coach. They'd insisted that he keep it to himself until everything was confirmed and contracts were signed. Brian was wondering who it could be. There have been a bunch of talented skaters from Japan. He really didn't know who to expect. Brian wasn't someone who was on the edge of his seat easily but this even got him wondering. Who could this mystery skater be?


After Javier's training session with his coaches Brian and Tracy, he had taken a quick shower and was ready to continue his day. 

He'd noticed that Brian was off today. Just a little bit. He wasn't as irritated at him being late as he usually was. Did he have the flu? Javier had only been late a few times (due to him being an actual person and not a machine) but it had seriously pissed Brian off. He would be screaming at him, for longer than today's two seconds. In fact, there was one time he screamed throughout the entire ten minute warm up. Javier had just shrugged it off and quietly laughed to himself. Brian took everything so seriously. If he was two minutes late the world wasn't gonna end. 

If there was one thing Javier had learned, it was to be calmer. He'd had anxiety attacks before and he sure as hell wasn't gonna let that happen again, not fun. He gave himself time to chill. To hang with people, to take it slow. Nowadays he was always calm and level headed. And at this point in life, he was happy. Things seemed to be looking up.

 Even if Brian didn't always say it, he knew he only got mad at him cause he cared. Javier felt very loved. And he cared a lot about Brian, even if he didn't say so. So he was worried and wondered.. What had Brian so far away today?


Brian was reading a book on the airplane. Only one more hour and he'd be in Tokyo, Japan. He hadn't brought Tracy with him as they'd specifically asked for Orser. He felt like he was being recruited for the maffia or something. He was very excited but also very nervous. Brian didn't like surprises. 

When he got off the airplane, he put on his black sunglasses and some light gloves. It was nighttime and chilly in Tokyo. Not as chilly as in Canada though. He got into the black car that drove him to his destination. 

He got out, stroked his long black coat and went into the tall building. He had nervous butterflies in his stomach as he stood in the elevator on his way to meet the mystery skater. 

When Brian had reached the floor, he got out of the elevator and stood in front of a big black double door. He breathed in and out to try and calm his nerves. He kicked himself mentally. What am I getting all nervous for?  Brian thought. He checked his wristwatch. He was five minutes early. Should he wait? No, Brian decided. Better early then late, right? 

As he was about to knock on the door two men appeared. Both fully dressed in black suit 'n ties and wearing black sunglasses. They must be the doormen. They bowed down to Brian who was quite frankly scared to death by their sudden appearance. They took their places next to the door. Brian was really getting nervous now. WHO WAS HE MEETING? 

"C-can I just go inside?" Brian stuttered nervously. The doormen nodded and simultaneously opened the doors. 

Brians heart beat picked up as he walked into the white room with stylish red velvet flooring. It was a meeting room with a round table. Sitting at the table were about five people. None of them were skaters Brian knew. 

"Um, hello. Nice to meet you all." Brian said as he bowed to the people in the room. He remembered bowing was a thing in Japan. They all stood up and bowed to him and welcomed him. 

As he walked into the room he noticed glass doors to his left. Suddenly the doors opened and in came two men dressed in the same outfits as the doormen. What the heck?  There was someone behind them but Brian couldn't quite see who. The doormen bowed and then moved aside. And the person that had been standing behind them was none other than..

Yuzuru Hanyu.



That was the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed, please tell me what you thought and leave a vote please! Also, Yuzuru Hanyu is an icon. 

Yuzuru Hanyu is freaking adorable and I(Javier Fernández) am in love with him.Where stories live. Discover now