Track 12: Koi

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Yuzuru tied the pink apron around his hips and began to cut up some vegetables. Javier was coming home later as he was having a talk with Brian. Yuzuru wanted to surprise him with a home cooked meal. He wasn't the best cook, not in his opinion anyway but he just wanted to show his gratitude. He hadn't had the opportunity to thank Javier for letting him stay in his house. He also hoped to erase the awkward tension from what had happened last week. They kissed. In a dressing room. Yuzuru stopped cutting. He sank down to his knees in shame. 

"Oh no! What is wrong with me!" He burried his head in his arms for a minute. 

Then he got back up and resumed cooking. 'It's okay. Everyone has slip-ups sometimes'. Yuzuru thought. And with that idea he continued cooking until he was done.

The door to the appartment opened. 

"Mmm, what smells so good?" Javier said as he walked in. 

Yuzuru was startled by Javier. He hadn't expected him to be home this soon. He still had the apron on and he hadn't even gotten changed yet. He fumbled with his hair and moved up and down nervously. 

Javier walked into the kitchen to find Yuzuru standing next to the table in his pink apron and his hands together in front of him. Javier felt like he could cry. He looked at the table which was filled with delicious looking food.

"Yuzu?!" Javier said happily.

"Umm.. I wanted to surprise you." Was all Yuzuru could say. 

"Well you sure did. You did all this for me?"

Yuzuru nodded. "I also want to say that I'm really grateful you let me live with you and.. I'm sorry about last week. And about avoiding you all this time." Yuzuru played with his hands nervously.

"It's okay. I know how shy you are." Javier smiled. "And I know you like me too so that's enough for now." Javier sat down.

"Um, that's not-" 

"It smells so good. I can't wait to try this."


After dinner Yuzuru and Javier were in bed cuddling. Yuzuru loved burying his head in Javier's chest and just morphing into one person. It comforted him greatly. They hadn't done this in so long.

"Dinner was amazing." Javier spoke into Yuzuru's hair.

Yuzuru's heart fluttered. He was very happy.

"But you know what would make this even better?"

Yuzuru looked up into Javier's eyes. 

Javier smiled.

Yuzuru's heart melted. He couldn't resist that smile. His heart was beating out of his chest. What could Javier want?

Suddenly, without warning, Javier leaned down and kissed Yuzuru on his lips. Yuzuru had not seen this coming and was temporarily frozen in place. When he found the ability to move again he buried his head in Javier's chest. Javier began to laugh. 

"Why do you always get like that when I kiss you?"

"Cause that's not a friend thing, Javi!" Yuzuru said, his voice muffled by Javier's sweater.

"Sure it is." Javier answered.

"It's not, I asked Brian." 

There was a silence. 

Yuzuru got even more flustered. Why did he tell him that?

"You told Brian we're dating?"

"No, of course not." Yuzuru shot up from Javier's chest. He would never tell anyone about that especially without consulting Javier first.

Javier grinned at him.

Then Yuzuru thought about what he'd just said.

"No, we're not dating!" He tried to take back his statement.

"Yes, we are. You just insinuated it yourself!" Javier smirked triumphantly.

"And you said kisses weren't romantic," Yuzuru shoved Javier off the bed. He landed with a loud thump on the floor.

"Damn, you're strong. Why do I keep forgetting?" 

Yuzuru pulled the cover over his head. They had kissed, made out, given each other hickeys and they even had... they had.. se-

Yuzuru couldn't even think it. How had this happened? 

"I'm sorry, okay? I won't lie to you anymore." Javier climbed back into bed. "I promise." 

Javier wrapped his arms around Yuzuru and he fell right asleep. 

Yuzuru couldn't sleep all night. He couldn't control the butterflies raging through his stomach. Javier and he hadn't slept together like this for a week. Yuzuru was nervous and happy and embarrassed.

But mostly..

Yuzuru was in love.



Sorry for the long wait! I'll try to upload sooner next time. Also, I've been reading your comments and creepily giggling in the dark, so thank you. Please don't forget to vote and tell me your thoughts. Love <3

Yuzuru Hanyu is freaking adorable and I(Javier Fernández) am in love with him.Where stories live. Discover now