Part 10 - This Question

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Behindthe curtain, I was finishing to be ready. Far away to be in the calmand anticipation, every last minute behind the start of the show waslived in the stress. A micro to fix here, a shirt to soft there,without forget the last person who wasn't able to remind the lastnostes because he was too stressed.

'Pfiouuuuu',breath Leo. Personnaly, I was ready, standing on my two feets.Myhands closed but not handle like for a fight, I was always feeling atension inside my torso. A lot of times in my life, I had pains in myabdos, because of tense it too much and too strong. Fortunately, itwon't happened that much in shows, because I didn't have the time tostress enough to feel pain. In those kind of days we never stopped torun -as you can see-.

I take a look at my comrades. We was all together, but each of us wasalone, waiting on his own way the debut of the event. N, by his sassyside, always calm and empathic in front of the cameras, had an aurathat was said 'don't approach me, don't deconcentrate me, mysuprematie needs concentration', his body tense by apprehension andthe face panting with an obvious selfishness. Ravi was breathingdeeply, jumping slightly, but was seems relativily calm. Ken, with anaccessorist, was laughing about the tall of his microphone's cable,that they had difficulty to hide inside his clothes. Hongbin and Hyukwas talking, well, chatting together. They didn't look at each otherbecause they was both too occupied to deal with somehting else. So,their sharing was quiet, distant. They look like two turtles talking.About me... No one was taking care of me. The members was know sincea long time to not disturb me, the accessorist had end their work onmy person since a long time.

I was talking about Hongbin, like since this morning. I didn't hadthe habit to think like this to someone else. What did he does in thechanging rooms ? When did heleaves it ? Was he already strating to tell everything to Hyuk ?... Is Hongbin was observing me to be have take that good mydefense last night ? And if yes, since how long ? I couldhave try to skip this question all the day, it was finally impossibleto hide it anymore. I have to know. My heart needs to know.

« - Hongbin-ssi, can we talk alone ? I said with a loud voiceinside the whole room, without thought of it, only focused on him. Çaleur donnera un peu plus de matière à ruminer, qu'importe. Well itwill give them more rumor to chat, don't care.

- Eh... Yes, of course ! »

I was walking in direction of a room's corner, where was standinglogistical material. I was notice and appreciate the long waves ofthe black curtain, who was annihilate sounds. Look back to Hongbin, Iwas breathing deeply then asked with a calm, stressless voice :

« - Hongbin-ssi, I have heard everything last night.

- Last night ? He asked, scared. About what ?

- In the room. I was behind the door.

He swallowed.

- Ah... And what did you heard ?

I was byting my lips... It was now or never. I had to 'go into thewater' like frenchs said !

- Everything. When you take my defense. And... I have a question.

- Tell me.

- Yesterday, you describe me with a big amount of precision, ofcomprehension... I can't say 'it's was like you knew me' because YOUknew me, from the inside ! So this is my question... Hongbin,since how many long time do youobserve me ?

I could see his concentrateface stay like this for 2 seconds and a half, before be decomposed.Then he bited his lips while looking on the floor : he wasleaked my eyes. So I was right. I was tried everything :apparently, he was observed me and it wasn't since only yesterday. Ileft him some second of peace, befoce go again into the battle. I waslooking at him, pursed his lips, a 'V' between the eyebrows. Butexactly at the moment when I was open my mouth, Hongbin talkingbefore me :

Cameo | LeoBin (VIXX) | ENGWhere stories live. Discover now