Part 12 - Since 24 Hours

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'Finally'he thinked, feeling better. Just one hour and a half since the end ofthe show, before they can go back at the hotel. With the bonus,cheerings with the staff, pitures, signatures, security of thecomeback journey... Their work wasn't end with the end of the show,oh hell, no.

Buthe doesn't have to complain, because for the shows who has big bonuslike the Meet&Greet for example, it was taking so muchmore time. Here the staff was nice and they give us food to finishthe evening calmly.

Thebus was caring all of them to the hotel, because they was more than adozen : idols, mangager, makeup artists, hairstylists, stylists,cameramans, technicians... They was all exhausted, but happy of theirgood work. As usually, the manager stands up – I do not where hefind the strengh to do that, I was cheering him in my mind- and cameinto the central corridor to give us a congratulations greeting. Weall answered to him in echoe with a little voice.

Hongbin,assis devant moi, se retourne entre deux les deux sièges :

Hongbin,sit down in front of me, turned to me :

« - Leo, what's your plan when you'll be back ?

- To visit my parents.

- No I mean, back at the hotel.

- Ah.

I'man asshole.

- A hot shower, to eat ang do sleep I think. I won't have the strengh to do anything else.

- Ok... I understand, have a break.

Heseems disappointed...

- And you ?

-Humm... I see when I will be arrived.

-... Ok »

Lessthan two minutes later, I feel my phone vibring. I took it out frommy pocket, unlocket it and see in the corner of my gaze that all themembers was doing the same. N send us this next message, in ourprivate commun chat :

'Meetingin my room when we'll be arrived. Discretly. All of you. Obligatorypresence.'


Inthe room of N – that I notice, is a hundred time more in disorderthan yesterday-, we waiting, stand up in a circle around our leader.

« - Well guys, i have something to ask. I know that usually afterthe shows we don't do that but... What about do a party tonightagain ?

Fivepersorns stared at each other, different reactions on their face.Results :

- Ok for me ! Said Hongbin

-If hongbin-ssi is here, then me too ! Hyuksaid, excited

-Me too, I won't drunk a lot, but I will stay with you, answered Ken.No matter what, he says whileturning to N, I will never sleep if you're getting messy.

-Héhé, laughed this last one.What about you Ravi ?

Well, nothing for me obvisouly.

-Me oh... I think that I better should stay with Leo tonight, Ialready have left him alone yesterday.

Newshocking revelation.

-Yah ! Don't care of him ! Do what you want !

-Ravi, if it's a problem for you, I cant stay with Leo... saidHongbin.

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