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It's Monday in the late afternoon as the three of us walk over the sidewalk. It's clear that Summer still has Seoul in its grip, with comfortable temperatures, soft sun rays hitting the pavement and a soft breeze blowing over the streets. The weather is great, perfectly matching my mood.

The very first day of school after the summer break has just ended, and we're on our way home. I'm walking a few feet behind my best friends, my uniform blazer lazily slung over my shoulder, along with my bag, to enjoy the weather a little more. I'm humming a happy tune, that partly matches how I currently feel. I'm partly happy, but also partly bored.

My eyes automatically wander to the connected hands of Chaelin and Hyunjin, that softly sway back and forth as they walk. My two best friends just so happen to be together, and I often feel like I'm partly responsible for that. How big my contribution was? I have no idea, but enough to feel a little bit proud.

But I'm the proudest of Chaelin and Hyunjin. Chaelin got so far, ever since the arrival of Hyunjin. Their story together is a long ass ride full of bumps and holes and sometimes, I find myself wondering how they both came out alive. Chaelin never had it easy, and the issues she had at home affected both her and Hyunjin in the worst way possible. I'll never forget all those days where Hyunjin would approach me, on the verge of tears after things went wrong with Chaelin again. But he never gave up on my best friend and eventually, she opened up to him.

Even after getting together, things weren't automatically sunshine and rainbows for them. It both took them a while to figure out how everything worked, and how to deal with each other. It didn't go by without a few fights and arguments but somehow, they always made it out stronger than before. Until the struggles just stopped one day. Somewhere between all the mess of their chaotic history, they found a balance that suited them both and they ended up as the strongest, most lovey-dovey couple I've ever witnessed.

And I watched a lot of romance movies, just saying.

What I never told Chaelin was how afraid I was that her relationship with Hyunjin would affect our friendship. She wasn't the easiest but I really treasured what we had and the idea of losing that made me anxious. Still, I always gave them my biggest smile, one that hid all the worries and fears. I didn't want her to miss the happiness of her life because of me.

In the end, it was just me being dramatic. Months passed by and nothing changed between us, our friendship wasn't affected at all. They both did their best to involve me as much as possible whenever they went out and at school, it was always the three of us together. It was never Chaelin and Hyunjin with a random Felix tagging along and I'm grateful for that. They never made me feel like an unwanted third wheel and knowing them, they never thought of me like that.

But they deserve some quality time as a couple as well, without me tagging along every single time. A tricycle doesn't work without three wheels, Chaelin once told me. But a relationship isn't a tricycle. It's time to find my own wheel, to make it even again.

And I already have it all planned out. Sort of.

There is this one cute guy at school, that I always run into in the hallways. Well, he is cute in his own, intimidating way. Black is the only color he seems to surround himself with. His bag, clothes, hair, and even his lunchbox are all of that color. His jawline is sharp, just like the look in his eyes. But it's his smile that contradicts it all. It's sweet and adorable, and his usually sharp eyes would sparkle with joy. Yeah, it was his laugh that caught my attention first, and the rest happened automatically.

One day, I literally bumped into him. I rounded a corner in a hurry and there he was, doing exactly the same thing as I did. We fully bumped into each other, almost sending the other to the floor. If it wasn't for the height difference between us, we would've head-butted each other. But that didn't happen. We managed to keep our balance and just stared at each other dumbly for a moment. That's when I learned his name, when one of his friends called him.


After that encounter, we would occasionally smile at each other in the hallways. But just like we didn't talk that one day, we never exchanged a word afterward. But I am definitely interested, definitely feel a thing. There is, however, no way that I'm just yeeting all the stress away and just do something. This requires a more tactful approach, something with a little more thought put into it.

But there are some other things that need to be settled first.

"Hey guys, do you feel like getting a drink somewhere?" I suggest, making the two others stop in their tracks. I take a few steps to catch up with them again and judging from Hyunjin's smile, he's in.

Chaelin smiles softly, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I promised mom to go shopping with her so I have to go home. You two go ahead."

"I'll go with you, Lix," Hyunjin replies, much to my relief. Not really like I planned but good enough. Chaelin already knows, anyway.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow then," the girl announces, giving Hyunjin a quick hug and waving at me before darting off.

Hyunjin stares at her back for a while, a loving smile on his lips. With a sigh, I roll my eyes and lightly smack his shoulder, causing him to look at me in surprise.

"You look like a lovesick puppy," I dryly tell him, and my best friend grins sheepishly.

"Maybe because I am."

"Fair enough. Let's go."

I motion Hyunjin to follow me, which he immediately does. I already know which café I'm taking him to. It's a small café not too far away from where we live, perfect because not too many people visit it. It's time for serious talk.

It's time for operation Fourth Wheel.


the cover is soft because this story is going to be soft

(at least I'm going to try to make it soft)

(at least I'm going to try to make it soft)

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see this as some kind of intro ^^

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