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Honestly, the rest of the day was a huge struggle. Focusing on the lectures was impossible, and doing stuff in my workbooks wasn't succeeding, either. My mind was too occupied with a certain boy, and the fact that I actually have his phone number now was doing things to my heart. Imagine already messing up on the second day of the new school year. I, Lee Felix, can relate.

Seo Changbin, you better take full responsibility once we get together.

IF we get together, that is.

Fortunately, I made it to the end of the school day without making it too obvious that I mentally wasn't present at all. Both Hyunjin and Chaelin had to cover for me more than once, and a teacher almost snatched the piece of paper with Changbin's phone number from my hands when I kept staring at it for too long.

A shiver runs down my spine as I think about the consequences if she would've succeeded. Man, I don't even want to think about it, I already can't imagine living without Changbin's number anymore. Okay, that's a bit too much, but you get what I mean, right? Now all I have to do is gathering enough courage to actually use it. Until then, I'll cherish it, and probably die if I somehow lose it before I can get my panicked ass to text him.

Wait, maybe I should just save it in my contacts.

I grin sheepishly. Changbin really turns my brain into a sappy mess and I don't even know him personally yet. Imagine the damage actually talking to him would inflict. That would be a huge mess, I don't even want to think about it.

"What are you smiling about?" Hyunjin asks, slowing down his pace so that he's walking next to me.

Chaelin, who now walks a little ahead of us, snorts. "Are you really asking that?"

"Okay, you're right. Of course it's Binnie Binnie Changbinnie~" Hyunjin giggles, and I feel my cheeks heating up immediately. I avert my gaze with a huff, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of seeing me blush. No matter how supportive they claimed to be, they are also teasing me non-stop.

Was I like that too, when Chaelin was secretly head over heels for Hyunjin?

I don't think so.

"Lixie, when are you going to text your man?" Chaelin asks, halting her step to get next to me as well. "The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll make progress, you know?"

"I am well aware of that," I inform her, shrugging my shoulders. "Give me a minute to gather some of my non-existent courage, though. I don't wanna rush into it and mess up in one way or another. I yeet a lot, but not everything."

"Now you sound like our good old Felix again," Hyunjin snickers, playfully smacking my back.

I stumble forward a little, and while I fight to keep my balance, my eyes land on a trio of boys that round the corner, walking straight towards us. They haven't seen me yet, and I quickly straighten my composure, completely forgetting that I was about to fall down.

"Changbin at two o'clock," I hiss, before I quickly dash off to hide behind a block of lockers. I manage to disappear before they see me, and the fact that Changbin and his friends are approaching my friends proves that I made the right decision when I ran away.

They talk, and I suddenly regret that I ran off to hide somewhere out of earshot. I have no clue what they are talking about. What if they are talking about me? Or about the latest chemistry test? Or the new Fortnite update that's about to happen? Changbin glances around more than once, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He turns to Hyunjin, who shrugs his shoulders.

The guy named Chan lightly bumps Changbin's shoulder, and the perfect human being seems to remember something. He waves goodbye to my friends before he walks into my direction. My eyes widen in shock, before I suddenly realize something.

Oh right, I ran straight towards his locker.

Instantly, I hurry away, still not planning to be seen by him. I quickly dash around the corner to disappear from the line of view, but instead of bringing myself to safety, I crash into a large trash can. The noise it produces is unbelievable, and I let out a surprised yelp as I grab onto the trash bin to keep it from falling over. Once the thing is secured, I run off, crashing into Chaelin with a frustrated cry.

"Get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here please."

Hyunjin is quick to peel me off his girlfriend, looking at me with genuine concern in his eyes. "What the fuck, Felix. What are you doing? Are you good?"

"It's a sweet chaos~" Chaelin quietly sings, and I let out a miserable sigh.

"I'm fine," I mutter, my shoulders slumping.


I'm not fine at all. My mind is a mess, and I seem to create chaos wherever I go. My cheeks are on fire, burning with sheer embarrassment. Why am I always messing up? Why can't I just operate in a cool way, that might actually come across as attractive to Changbin?

"Okay, that's it," Chaelin firmly states, grabbing my arm and dragging my towards the exit. "You look like you can use something to calm down, so we're going for ice cream right now. My treat."

"Oh, now this is a fancy offer," I reply, perking up at the mention of ice cream.

I can definitely use something to cool down.

But then, a smug grin appears on her face, and my heart sinks.

"I have one condition, though. Promise me you'll text Changbin when you get home."

Hyunjin nods, and adds, "that's what he asked us."

I release a defeated sigh, dramatically placing my hand over my heart. "Okay guys, I, Lee Felix, hereby promise that I will text the perfect being named Seo Changbin when I get home. And now gimme that ice cream."

Chaelin and Hyunjin quickly exchange a look, before they silently decide that they are satisfied for now.

"Well then, let's get some ice cream."


I have no idea what this is turning into lmao

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