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"Guys, was it really necessary to spy on us in the library?" I scoff, glaring at the couple in front of me.

Yes, these two had the audacity to show up in front of my house a little after I got home, excitedly asking me for the details of Changbin and I's date, after basically spying on the whole thing. They probably know more of what happened than I do, seeing how I felt like I was in a lovesick daze or something like that.

For a moment, I seriously considered if they could recite the date for me, because I'm still struggling to believe it really happened. Did I, Lee Felix, actually had a library date with my long-time crush, Seo Changbin? Unbelievable.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asks innocently, blinking his eyes as I give him a suspicious look.

"You know very well what I mean," I chide, folding my arms to come across a little more serious and a little less like a pre-school girl in love –that's what I looked like, according to Chaelin.

"Don't bother, Jinnie," the girl sighs, poking her boyfriend's side. "Jisung was being so loud, no matter how often we told him to be quiet. Of course we'd get noticed eventually."

"It seems like that guy has a hard time staying quiet," Hyunjin agrees, nodding as he probably thinks back to that moment.

"He's an interesting kid, kinda fun to hang out with," Chaelin adds, to which Hyunjin agrees immediately.

"Wait, hold up," I interrupt their conversation. "You are friends with one of Changbin hyung's friends and you didn't even bother to tell me?"

"Lix, I have cleaning duty with him once in a while, remember?" Chaelin reminds me. "We're not friends, just acquaintances. I think we have cleaning duty next week. Want me to interrogate him about your man? Who knows what juicy secrets Jisung knows about your Binnie Binnie Changbinnie."

That offer is oh-so tempting, and I ponder over it for a moment while my friends look at me with weird, smug smiles. It genuinely looks like they are enjoying this more than I am, and I don't like that at all.

"No thanks, you are probably just out to embarrass me in front of my crush again while I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself," I huff, leaning back in my shivel chair with a resolute grin. "I'm going to get to know him through the natural way."

"Which means?" Hyunjin inquires, tilting his head questioningly.

"I'm going to talk to him more often," I say, proudly. "We agreed on not treating each others like strangers anymore when we see each other in the hallways."

"My best friend is growing up so fast," Chaelin coos, passing her fingertips over her cheek to wipe away a fake tear.

"This is exactly how I felt when you two finally became a thing," I confess, my mind traveling back to that one moment they came down from the rooftop and I finally got to sing the song I wanted to sing for so long.

I honestly can't believe how much time has already passed since then, and now it's finally my turn as well. I just hope they aren't planning to return the favor of singing a song through the hallways like that but fortunately, that doesn't really sound like a them-thing to do so I'm not too worried.

"Cut the finally, it didn't even take us that long," Chaelin protests, throwing a pink cat plushie she grabbed from my bed towards my head.

"True, I honestly expected that it would take me a couple of months extra," Hyunjin teases, poking her side before hugging her.

While my two best friends turn all lovey-dovey, my mind wanders off to Changbin again –surprise!

I've had a crush on him for so long. Heck, it even started before Hyunjin transferred to our school but I never mentioned it to Chaelin because I wasn't sure how she would react, seeing how she used to have a thing against men. After she started dating Hyunjin and her grudge against guys disappeared, I still didn't tell anyone –I don't know why, though. For months, I simply swooned over him in secret, hoping that no one would notice.

Jokes on me, since apparently, they both noticed something was up with the way I looked at him.

Can you blame me? How would you look when someone as perfect as Seo Changbin would walk by, laughing in amusement after one of his his friends made a funny joke?


I'm one hundred percent sure that he is interested in me too –either that or he is a really good actor but let's not go down that way of negativity. I might dance on tables in the cafeterias but I'm definitely not stupid. I see the way he looks at me, smiles at me, talks to me, and how he gave his number to Jinnie without hesitation when he found out that it was for me.

So many signs that operation Fourth Wheel might become successfull in the end. I can't wait to get to know Changbin better.

Maybe I should use my time wisely, and mentally prepare for however this is going to turn out.


this is probably the shortest chapter i've ever written so i'm sorry :") but yehh i rather do this than not updating for months again lol

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