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"Hello ms. Hwang, is Hyunjin home?" I ask, bowing politely even though the woman told me time after time to stop being so formal and polite.

I come here a lot, in some weeks even daily. Maybe that's why I keep acting a little stiff and formal around her. I don't want her to feel like she accidentally obtained a second son, like Hyunjin jokingly describes it.

She gives me a look of dismay, repeating the words she tells me every time I arrive here.

"Felix, honey, don't call me that," she sighs, though amused. "You know very well that you can call me Hyemin. Being called ms. Hwang only makes me realize how old I actually am."

I nod in understanding, fully aware of what I have to do now before she'll let me pass. At this point, this whole ordeal has become some kind of inside joke between us.

Is it weird to have an inside joke with your best friend's mother?

"Hello, Hyemin," I force out, exaggerating my struggles to make the woman laugh. "Is Hyunjin home?"

"Yeah, he's studying in his room," she tells me, failing to hide the amusement in her tone. "Please force him to take a break, he's been on it for hours."

"Ay ay," I salute, waiting for Hyunjin's mother to step aside.

Then I run up the stairs, barging into my best friend's room without bothering to knock. When do I ever knock?

Hyunjin's body goes ridig as the door slams against the wall with a bang, and he whirls around in his swivel chair with wide eyes. But he instantly relaxes when he finds me standing in the doorway, totally used to my rambunctious ways of entering rooms.

"Hello Jinnie," I greet him, marching over to the blue bean bag in the corner before flopping down. "How's life, mate?"

"My brain is absolutely cooked," he complains, dropping his pencil and closing his book. "I've been studying for so long."

"Lee Felix to the rescue," I say, saluting once again. "I'm sleeping over, by the way."

"Why?" Hyunjin questions, tilting his head. "I mean, I don't mind at all , but why?"

"I watched a horror movie," I explain. "There's no way I'll be able to sleep on my own after this."

My best friend looks at me in confusion. "Lix, you hate horror movies. Why on Earth did you decide to watch one?"

"Changbin hyung." I smile sheepishly. "He asked me out to the movies and apparently it was a horror movie but I didn't have it in me to say no."

Hyunjin snorts, shaking his head with a grin. "You are so whipped, Lix. I'm not even surprised anymore."

"Don't tell me," I groan, burying myself more into the beanbag. "I've been whipped for months already but hanging out with him only made it ten times worse."

Honestly, the moment Changbin and I met up in the library for the very first time, I never expected that this would be the outcome. I definitely couldn't have predicted that we would hang out this often, seeing each other almost daily.

I also didn't expect that it was possible to fall in love even more than I already did, but here I am, even more head over heels for Seo Changbin.

"Does this mean that I'm getting a lot of rants about him tonight?" Hyunjin chuckles, getting up from his chair and putting his books in his backpack.

"Oh, you bet," I grin, hugging my knees to my chest as I make myself a bit more comfortable. "Either that, or I'm gonna be scared to death because the Slenderman haunts my mind."

"You watched Slenderman?" my best friend questions, frowning. "Is it good? Should I take Chaelin there?"

"No, it traumatized me in more than one way," I mutter, overwhelmed with flashbacks to the moment I clung to the wrong person. "But I got to hold Changbin's hand so yeah, worth it."

"Really?" Hyunjin chimes, a smug grin playing on his lips. "Oh man, the development is going so fast. When is the wedding?"

"Yah, we don't talk about marriage yet," I scoff, folding my arms in front of my chest. "We're not even going out, gotta fix that first."

The taller whistles lowly. "You're really going for it, aren't you? Are you that determined to get yourself a fourth wheel?"

"Yes sir," I reply, grinning widely. "Not just any fourth wheel, I just want Changbin hyung and from the looks of it, it's going really well."

"I'm happy for you, Lix," the boy smiles. "You deserve a man like Changbin hyung. He seems like a nice guy."

"Oh, believe me," I sigh, smiling widely. "He is absolutely perfect and no one can change my mind."

Hyunjin seems highly amused by my lovesick rambles about the older boy, and fortunately for him, he's gonna get a lot of that tonight.


Shortest chapter I've ever published on wattpad lmao — just a filler btw I'll publish a better chapter soon

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