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A couple of hours later, we walk into the movie theatre. Changbin is talking animatedly and I listen closely, wondering if his voice has always been so dang perfect. It probably has, I just never spoke a word to him so I was missing out big time for months.

It's been a while since I visited this place for the last time. I usually went with Chaelin and Hyunjin, but they don't go as often anymore so neither do I. It's a shame, but it only means that I'm more than happy to be here now.

With Seo Changbin.

"Hey, Felix," the boy interrupts my thoughts. "This is the movie I was talking about."

We have stopped in front of a wall full of posters, displaying the movies that are currently available in the theatre. He points towards one poster in particular, and I feel my heart sink a little.

It's a fairly simple poster, showing a picture of a dark, foggy forest. Don't get me wrong, I like forests, but not when they look as sinister as this one. On top of that, there is a very scary-looking dude on it as well. The guy is dressed in a suit, has abnormally long arms and doesn't have a face.

I feel scared by just looking at it, but I try to ignore the shiver that runs down my spine. If it would've been just me, I either would've run away from the teathre and try to forget that I ever saw this image or choose the most soft and innocent movie they are currently playing here, but watching Slenderman isn't on the list of option.

But I'm not alone; there's Changbin, who is excited for this movie and cancelled his plans with his friends to go with me. That basically means that I have no choice but to go, since there's no way that I'm going to disappoint my crush.

"Are you okay?" Changbin asks, nudging my shoulder with a worried look. "You look kinda spooked, do you hate horror movies?"

His genuine concern almost melts my heart -haha okay scratch the almost- and that's when I decide that I'm going to defy this movie. For Changbin.

"Nah, don't worry," I tell him, trying my best to keep my voice from wavering and giving away my true thoughts.

Hey, it's never too early to cling to someone in sheer terror, right? At least I hope so, because there's no way I'm getting through this movie without doing so.

"Great," the older reacts, smiling in a way that makes my painful decision totally worth it. "Wanna grab some snacks first?"

I give a meek nod in reply. Snacks means another distraction, another reason not to look at the cinema screen in the front.

We end up in front of the popcorn stand, and we remain silent for a moment, until the older speaks up again.

"Are we going to take two small ones or do we share a large?" he asks, glancing at me.

I fight the natural habit of my eyes to widen, pretending to think for a while before I shrug casually.

Transfer fear into boldness.

Transfer fear into boldness.

Transfer fear into boldness.

"Let's share a large one," I reply, and I somehow manage to say that without stuttering despite the nervousness that rushes through my body for multiple reasons and I can't help but be mildly proud of that.

"Then it's settled," Changbin grins, reaching out to grab a large box of sweet popcorn.

"Sweet?" I ask. Somehow, I deemed Changbin to be more of a salty popcorn person, but looks like I'm wrong?

"You look like someone who prefers sweet," he explains. "So this choice was pretty easy."

"O-Oh," is all I can bring out, quickly following behind the other as he walks over to the cash register to pay.

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