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I may or may not have lied about texting Changbin.

Believe me, I tried. I've spent a whole century looking at my phone screen, typing at least a few hundreds of messages before deleting them again because they were too lame to be seen by the light of day (which automatically makes them too lame to be seen by Changbin as well). Eventually, I just gave up and went to sleep.

Chaelin and Hyunjin weren't too happy, but at the same time, they weren't really surprised either. I think I should feel offended by that, shouldn't I? They have like, zero faith in me.

Anyway, it ended up in the two of them demanding me to treat them to ice cream, so we visited the parlor again and discussed new tactics. What we came up with? Nothing. At least nothing that wouldn't either embarrass the life out of me or require a huge amount of courage that I don't have, which resulted in me turning down all their ideas.

It's been a few days since that happened, and nothing happened. I mean, Changbin did become even more perfect in those days, but let's not talk about that or I'll freak out again. Okay, nevermind. Yesterday, he showed up in a pastel blue hoodie and it was so adorable and Jisung made him laugh and–

Let me tell you this. I don't know that Jisung kid at all, but he has my eternal gratitude for making Changbin laugh like that. His laugh is ethereal, and he looked so soft with his fluffy brown hair and blue sweater and once again, I just wanted to run up to him and cuddle him forever.

Anyways, Changbin's number has been in my phone for three days now, and it's getting a bit dusty. Day after day, I've been trying to come up with stuff to text him, but I always end up chickening out. 

Isn't that great?

Right now I'm making my way through the mass of students that roam the hallway after the bell rang. I just came out of the only class I don't share with any of my friends, so I'm on my own right now. The principal decided to put me in an advanced English class starting this year, and I'm really glad about that because honestly, regular English was becoming a bit boring. The only downside is that I'm separated from Chaelin and Hyunjin, but in exchange, I'm in the same class as one of Changbin's friends, Chan.

I mean, it doesn't matter much, but it does at the same time.

I don't trust the glances he kept sending in my direction, though. A little sus, if you'd ask me. But oh well, class is over, lunch break has started and it's time to eat. I'll worry about stuff later. Chaelin and Hyunjin are probably waiting for me by my locker so I better hurry before they leave me to eat on my own.

Not like they would actually do that, they love me too much.

I make my way to a staircase in the east wing of the school building, where it's significantly quieter, probably because you'd have to go through the art department first when you get to the main floor before you actually reach the cafeteria. But that's why I prefer it, there's less of a risk to be pushed down the stairs by the crowd of students that all wanted food.

Hunger makes students malicious, let me tell you that.

Satisfied with the absence of students in this part of the school, I make my way to the staircase to get to my friends. But that's when a voice from behind stops me. Wait, it does not only stop me, it basically freezer over my entire surroundings.

"Cute boy with orange hair? Why didn't you text me yet?"

I take in a sharp breath as I come to a halt, my eyes widening in shock. For as far as my knowledge goes, I'm the only one with orange hair in this entire school, and only one person has referred to me as cute boy with orange hair. And that voice. Is it... is it...

Wait, the voice mentioned texting, oh my God that means–

"Hey, uhm. Are you okay?"

A hand lands on my shoulder gently, and I whirl around with a squeak, followed by an internal meltdown when I'm suddenly face-to-face with the one and only Seo Changbin, who turned into a total soft cutie in the span of a summer break and now is even harder for my heart to handle.

"Y-Yes, I am!" I blurt out, cursing myself for stuttering in front of my crush.

"You suddenly froze, I thought I scared you," Changbin chuckles, sending me a perfect, super adorable smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I honestly feel like melting on spot, but that wouldn't be very cool.

Okay, Felix. People always tell you that you're funny, say something funny.

"I-It's quite a shocker to see you show up this colorful after being known for wearing black all the time," I manage to say, and I'm honestly surprised that I managed to say a whole sentence without freaking out completely.

Let's just not talk about what I said because that was just lame. Not funny at all.

But Changbin just shrugs, his smile never leaving his face. "After getting called emo triangle headass on a daily basis, it gets a bit old, y'know? I thought it was time for a change."

"Oh," I stupidly comment, mentally slapping myself for the lack of a sensible response.

"Apparently, people start to assume weird things when you dress in black every single day. I can't even wear black in peace," the boy pouts, but I can tell from the amused glint in his eyes that he's joking.

"But I didn't expect you to show up with light brown hair and a light blue sweater–" I admit, fully aware that I'm wasting more and more of my chances of success. Yep, I totally showed Changbin how much of a lame weirdo I am. Great!

"Don't like it? You can always give me my number back," the boy opposite of me suggests, lightly cocking his head to the side. "Though I usually don't take refunds."

"No, I'm keeping it," I quickly say, my eyes widening. "And uh, I do like it. It s-suits you."

My words bring the smile back to Changbin's face, and relief washes over me. Maybe I fixed a tiny little bit of the mess I just made, which would be great because I wouldn't know how else to fix it.

"Okay, you can keep it.  Promise me to use it, okay?" Changbin lightly ruffles my hair before brushing past me, leaving me completely petrified. I barely manage to mutter out a small okay, one that will never reach Changbin's ears.

What the heck did just happen?

Did I just have a conversation with Seo Changbin?

Did he just place his hand on my shoulder?

Did he just ruffle my hair?

Now I'm hesitating between running to my friends or going to the rooftop to scream because whattheactualhellchangbintalkedtome. I suck in a deep breath to calm my crazy heart rate, and another one, because one clearly isn't enough after a life-changing event like this.

Wait. Hold on for a moment.

Did he just call me cute?

How am I supposed to recover from that? Sighing deeply, I bury my face in my hands, only to feel my cheeks literally glowing. This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean, I'm not complaining but man, where did that come from? How do people function in situations like these?


Though my friends would probably devour this tea with pleasure, I decide to go to the rooftop instead. Don't worry, I'm not actually going to scream. After freaking out in the bushes, I have to regain a little bit of my dignity and screaming wouldn't really help. I'm just not ready to face the teasing of my friends after this. I'd just tell them later.

Plus, I made a promise I have to mentally prepare for.

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