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"Lix, I don't mind a sudden emergency meeting, but why do we have to use my room for that?"

Chaelin looks at me questioningly from her position on her bed, clearly not understanding why I always plan our meetings in her bedroom. I mean, I don't understand it either, since I literally live next door. It just happens naturally, I guess.

Shrugging lightly, I ignore her question, taking a seat on the swivel chair and twirling it around a few times before I face my best friends with a solemn expression.

"Henlo friends, we have gathered here at this hour to discuss a very important event that is about to occur."

Hyunjin and Chaelin exchange a quick look before eyeing me curiously.

"An important event?" Hyunjin asks, lightly tilting his head to the side. "Are you finally going to text Changbin?"

I nod earnestly, trying not to be too hurt by the clear lack of confidence they have in me. They are so behind, of course I have already texted Changbin after he literally approached me to ask me in person. I even told them what he did, how can they still doubt me after that?

"My good friends, I already texted him," I inform them, and once again I'm offended by the shock that appears on their features. I silently scoff, but then I realize that the bomb I'm about to drop will only hit harder. Imagine their faces when I tell them that I not only texted him, but also had a phone call and have a date with the one and only Seo Changbin himself tomorrow.

"Woah, how did it go?" Hyunjin asks, and Chaelin frowns.

"How are you still alive?"

"Oh, it went pretty well, he offered to switch to calling and I panicked but it all worked out," I reply enthusiastically before I turn to Chaelin. "You and Hyunjin also managed to survive each other, I'll be fine."

"Point taken," the girl mutters, leaning against the boy next to her with a small yawn.

"However, there is more," I continue in a low voice, gaining their attention again. I grin widely, suddenly feeling all giddy now that I think about it. "I actually have a date tomorrow!"

"You have a WHAT?!" my two best friends ask in unison, their eyes widening.

"A date~"  I sing-song, probably smiling like the biggest lovesick idiot on Earth.

"Okay, details. Now," Chaelin demands, almost pushing Hyunjin off the bed in excitement.

"Did Changbin ask you out?" the boy questions after regaining his balance. He doesn't seem to mind that he almost would've been on the floor. I have to admit, it's pretty cool to be the center of attention for once. Wait, scratch that, I'm the center of attention pretty often, but never when it comes to my love life.

"Bold of you to assume Changbin has to do all the work," I smugly tell them, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "I actually asked him out. I mean, it was on accident, but it still counts."

Hyunjin's eyes widen, and he whistles softly.

"I'm like, half surprised, half not," Chaelin comments, chuckling softly. "That really sounds like something that would happen to you. I mean, only you would accidentally ask your crush out."

"I know, right?" I proudly say, the smug smile still present. "Sometimes being Felix isn't half that bad."

"We're still waiting for details, though," Hyunjin dryly reminds me, giving me a pointed look.

"Oh, right." I quickly sit up straight, stilling the swivel chair –somewhere in the conversation, I started to spin around, but now I want to face my friends properly. "Well, he kind of told me that he'd be interested in listening to me, even if I recited a history book. So I jokingly asked if he wanted to meet in the library tomorrow and he agreed."

I might sound calm and collected, but that's all an act. On the inside, I'm freaking out. Now that the idea that I asked Changbin out has finally settled, I suddenly realize that I have an actual date tomorrow, which makes the intense beating of my heart even more frantic.

I hope I'm not too much of a mess tomorrow. Man, that'd be awkward.

"Aww man, I'm so proud of you, Lixie," Chaelin gushes, jumping off her bed to engulf me in a hug that almost breaks her chair. "Don't forget about good old me when you get a man, though."

She smiles brightly as she pulls back, and I chuckle softly. I remember saying exactly the same thing when I realized she and Hyunjin would most likely end up together.

I think it's safe to say that we all came pretty far, and I also dare to say that operation Fourth Wheel is coming along nicely.

"Imagine all the double dates we could go on," Chaelin continues, and I smile softly as I notice how Hyunjin looks at his girlfriend fondly, obviously enjoying her excitement.

"Oh, yes," I suddenly say, the mention of double dates reminding me. "Just saying, if he doesn't get along with you guys, it's a no no."

Hyunjin, who also got up from the bed, lightly pats my shoulder. "Don't worry about that, Lix. He seems like a nice guy, I'm sure we'll all get along."

"Yeah, just enjoy your date tomorrow first, okay?" Chaelin adds, and I smile weakly.

Oh man, my nervousness is getting wilder and wilder every time they mention the date. How am I going to get through tomorrow? How are you supposed to act on a date?

Just be yourself, is what you always hear. But what is myself? A noisy guy who is likely to dance the renegade on a table? Oh yeah, I'm sure Changbin would absolutely l o v e that.

I guess all I can do is wait and see how it will go.

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