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A small bell above the entrance announces our arrival, causing the guy behind the counter to look up and greet us with a friendly smile before he continues what he was doing –drying some coffee mugs. The guy behind the counter also happens to be the only person present here. Just like I expected, it's quiet and empty, the perfect circumstances for what's going to happen next.

I drag Hyunjin to a booth in the far back of the café, basically pushing him down before I flop down onto the seat opposite of him. The raven-haired doesn't even question anything; I think it's safe to say that he's completely used to it by now. Instead, he just makes himself comfortable in his seat, smiling to the waiter that approaches us from the back.

"Good afternoon, would you like a drink?" the guy asks, taking out a small notebook from the pocket of his apron.

"I'd like a green tea with honey, please," Hyunjin politely says, and the waiter nods before looking at me.

"Oh, uh, taro milk tea, please," I hastily reply, suddenly feeling nervous.

I almost breathe out a sigh of relief when the waiter walks away, and Hyunjin flashes me a weird look. I dismiss it with a smile and fight the urge to bang my forehead onto the table with a groan.

I had everything planned out to the point of perfection, every single little detail. But now I'm at the point of chickening out, and the fact that random images of Changbin's smile suddenly flash through my mind isn't exactly helping. The fact that I'm nervous is already enough, is this Changbin-attack necessary?

Usually, I wouldn't complain, but the timing isn't great right now. Oh well, Changbin is Changbin, it's fine.

"You've been spacing out non-stop, Lix. You good?" Hyunjin looks at me with mild concern, slowly waving his hand in front of my eyes to shake me from my thoughts.

"Oh hello, yes I'm good," I blurt out, a little too fast for it to be convincing. I give my best friend a hasty smile, only to get a skeptical look in return.

"Seriously man, what's up?"

I let out a small huff. It's unfair how my friends always see through me in no-time. Am I really that easy to read?

"I'll tell you when we have our drinks," I mumble, shoulders slumping in defeat. I know I have to do it anyway. Like one of my favorite artists once said; like mate, stop procrastinating.

As if on cue, the waiter returns, bringing us our requested drinks. We thank him politely, before Hyunjin gives me a satisfied smile. Tell me now, his eyes say, and I heave out a nervous sigh.

I fidget with the wide plastic straw that comes with the bubble tea, before proceeding to pierce it through the plastic lid. I chuckle awkwardly, looking everywhere but at the boy sitting in front of me.

Dang, being this nervous wasn't part of the plan.

"Hyunjin, I'm uh... not straight I think. Do you know those bendy rulers? Maybe I identify my–"

"Yeah, I know," the raven-haired dryly cuts me off, and I look up in relief.

"Tha– wait, what?"

My best friend lets out a snort, quickly lowering his drink. "Did you think I didn't see your glances at that one boy in the hallways? What was his name again? Changbin?"

My heart skips a beat upon hearing Changbin's name, and I didn't even notice I let out a soft squeak until Hyunjin's brows jump up in amusement.

"Woah, that was an anticlimax," I coolly complain, ignoring the heat that rushes to my cheeks. "I hope Chaelin's reaction is a bit more spectacular."

"Sorry to break it to you, but she also knows. Actually, she was the one who pointed it out in the first place," my best friend points out, and I nod slowly.

Of course, Chaelin always sees everything. I'm not even surprised at this point.

"Anyway, why are you telling me this all of a sudden?" Hyunjin then asks, eyeing me curiously. "Are you planning to make a move?"

Suddenly feeling awfully conscious, I grin sheepishly. This is probably the moment where Hyunjin will tell me I'll never have a chance with Changbin –which is probably true, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to hear it out loud.

"Well, Chaelin and I will be your number one supporters. Let's make uhm..." he falls silent for a while, before he grins excitedly. "Let's make Changlix sail!"

"Not so loud, idiot," I hiss, even though there's still no one here. "What the heck is Changlix?"

"Changbin plus Felix?" Hyunjin explains, as if to say duhhh. "Do you need our help or something?"

Changlix, I like the sound of that.

"Obviously, you two have relationship experience and I'm too much of a wimp to make a move on my own," I explain, looking at Hyunjin with pleading eyes.

"This will be fun," the boy opposite of me chuckles, appearing to be more excited about this then I am. "Let's have a group call tonight and we'll discuss the plan."

I nod happily, feeling a lot better now that I'll most likely have my two best friend behind me in my battle to get myself a man.

A certain man, to be precise.

The perfect human being named Seo Changbin, dark but absolutely adorable with the most precious smile on earth.

Now I just have to find out if I'm good enough for him.


this stort will probably have a lot of short chapters, because i noticed it's super hard to write long chapters without a plot lmao

oh yes hello i finally updated this

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