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hey, it's the cute
orange-haired boy

Yes, that's really my very first text to my crush. Out of all the brilliant, inspiring, breathtaking and impressive things I could have said, I decided on a lame text in which I literally used his own description of me –that I honestly don't even agree with.

But hey, at least I texted Changbin.

With a sigh, I turn off the screen and toff my phone onto my bed before I flop down onto the mattress as well. Now all there's left to do is nervously waiting for the boy to reply, and then it's time to worry about keeping an actual conversation going without making myself look like a total idiot.

Too soon for my heart to be prepared, my phone emits a soft ding, and I can only guess it's Changbin's reply. Okay, it can also be a push notification from one of the many games on my phone but we'll see. My hands are almost shaking as I unlock my phone, and the notification informs me that it is indeed a reply from the one and only Seo Changbin. I gulp nervously before I decide to just open it.

hey, it's intimidating-but-adorable boy

His reply causes my heart to jump, and shame is quick to dusts my cheeks a bright red. Oh God, what did Hyunjin tell him? I groan silently, making a mental note to interrogate my best friend later. 

sorry for not texting sooner

i'm also sorry for the weird
things my friend probably
said when he approached you

The thing with texting is, I'm either super awkward or I keep rambling on and on about the most random things. There's no in-between, and it looks like I'm in an awkward mood right now. Maybe the idea of texting Changbin is just too overwhelming, can you blame me? 

he said some pretty interesting
stuff, don't worry

should i recite it?

Changbin is typing....

I feel a wave of panic washing over me as I stare at the screen of my phone, anxiously awaiting Changbin's next message. A big part of me wants to send a capital NO because I don't really want to know to what extend Hyunjin has embarrassed me, but the curiosity is bigger and I say nothing.

"hey, seo changbin? my friend
kind of has a thing for you but
he thinks you're adorable and
intimidating at the same time
so he's so kinda scared to talk
to you. can i maybe have your
number for him? i promise you
that he's cute"

With a small groan, I curl up into a small ball of embarrassment. Hwang Hyunjin, was that really necessary? He's lucky he's Chaelin's boyfriend–

While I'm freaking out on the inside, I try my best to keep my cool over text, and type a reply with shaky hands.

but you immediately asked
if it was the one with orange
hair, while hyunjin only
mentioned 'cute' which
kind of makes you guilty
as well

i might have called you
adorable, but you called
me cute in return

I have absolutely no idea where that sudden boldness comes from, and I find myself staring at my screen in shock. Was that too much? What have I done?


hey, do you wanna
switch to calling?

Okay, wait. What is happening here? Does he really want to engage in a phone call with the guy who does orange justice on a table in the cafeteria (okay, that happened once), runs into trash cans, says the most stupid things, and...

Seo Changbin wants to call me?

For a while I just lie in bed, my heart beating rapidly as I try to process Changbin's offer. It's like my brain stops working for a moment, and I suddenly feel like a dumbstruck, lovesick idiot.

Oh wait, that's how I always feel.

But then the phone in my hands starts vibrating, and I almost drop it in surprise. With wide eyes, I stare at the screen, my mouth growing dry.

incoming call from Changbin

In another wave of panic, I instantly hit accept, only to freeze immediately when I hear Changbin's voice through the speaker. Realization suddenly hits me like a rock, and I fight the urge to squeal.

I am on the phone with Changbin.

Holy shit.

I know I have to get myself together because this definitely isn't working. I've had your entire life to make a fool of myself, and now is the time to step up my game and actually function for once.

"Hello? Earth to cute orange-haired boy?" Changbin inquires, successfully snapping me from my thoughts.

He doesn't know my name?

"Yes, I'm here, sorry," I quickly reply. "My name is Felix."

"I know, I know," the boy on the other side of the line chuckles. "I just wanted to hear you say it. You have a pretty cool voice, you know that? I'm glad I get to hear it more often now."

More often? He's already talking about that? I have no idea what I did to deserve this blessing, but my thanks go to all the gods of Fortnite I prayed to when I almost won a battle. I lost many battles, but it seems like my prayers helped to achieve something else.

"Lee Felix's deep voice, at your service," I solemnly say, drawing a hearty laugh from the other.

Did I already tell you that I love his laugh?

"I appreciate it, man," Changbin replies. "You could probably recite the most boring history book and I'd be interested."

"Sounds fun, wanna meet in the library tomorrow?" I joke. The initial panic is wearing off, might as well enjoy talking to my crush, right?

"That sounds like a date, let's do it," is the reply, and my breath hitches in my throat.

A date?

Did I just accidentally ask Changbin out on a date, to which he agreed? Oh wow, I'm wildin'.

Instead of embarrassed, I feel rather proud of myself. See? When I don't try too hard, I actually achieve things in life. For example, asking my crush out on a date. Isn't that great?

"Hey, I kind of misjudged the time so I gotta go now," Changbin apologetically states when I remain silent. "I have a nice idea. When we see each other in the hallways, let's actually talk to each other instead of smiling like two idiots, okay?"

"Yeah, let's do that," I quickly agree, my heart jumping in happiness as I hear his words.

"Great, see you tomorrow after school then, okay?"

I can hear the smile in Changbin's voice, and I instantly find myself smiling as well. It's suddenly getting awfully real, and I love it.

"Yep, see you tomorrow!"

The other hangs up after exchanging goodbyes, and I press my phone against me chest with a wide smile, heaving out a deep and content sigh.

Chaelin, Hyunjin, you better be proud of me.

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