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[no one's point of view]
see it as a smol bonus

"Yo, Chaelin," the blonde-haired guy speaks up, dropping the dirty sponge back in the bucket with evenly dirty water at his feet. Small drops of water fly over the edge, but Jisung doesn't seem to mind all that much.

"Hm?" the girl reacts, urging the boy next to her to continue while she quickly finishes the window she's cleaning.

"So I have a plan," Jisung explains, wiping his wet hands off on his pants. "And I'm begging for your cooperation, among best friends of two very slow people in love."

Chaelin lightly tilts her head –a habit she took from her boyfriend over time. She's not sure where her cleaning duty partner is going with this, but it seems to involve Felix and his crush so she's definitely interested.

"What are you scheming, Han Jisung?" she asks, and a mischievous grin crosses the boy's face.

"I'm glad you asked," he says, moving closer and leaning against the wall next to her window. "It has been a week since Lix and Changbin hyung started holding hands. They think they are being discreet about it but they totally aren't and it's so painfully obvious, like even I would hide it better if I had a crush. Not like I have one, but you get me, right?"

"Yes?" Chaelin replies, trying to filter through the whirlwind of information in order to see where this boy was going.

"Great," Jisung grins. "Anyway, they are so obvious but so painfully slow, man. If I would like someone, I'd go for it. Why beat around the bush for so long when you–"

"Jisung," the girl interrupts him, smiling in amusement as she witnessed the boy's rants. "Just tell me your plan, okay?"

"Oh, yes, sorry," the blonde-haired mutters, grinning sheepishly. "I was thinking, what if we lock them in a classroom together? I'm not sure why it seems like a good idea, it just feels like it, you know?"

"Now you sound like someone who has watched too many anime and dramas," Chaelin jokes, finally catching the drift.

"Guilty as charged," the boy admits, holding up his hands with a grin. "But hey, it works on TV, why not give it a try in real life? It's a popular trope, it has to be based on something."

Jisung's excitement works contagious, and suddenly, the plan doesn't sound that bad anymore. The two are already whipped for each other, it's not like we're locking two oblivious strangers in a classroom and hope for the best; this actually might work out.

"Why didn't you ask Hyunjin?"

Chaelin can't help but wonder, since asking her boyfriend would make much more sense, in her opinion.

"Because you are my cleaning buddy, that creates a bond that might come in handy for the plan," Jisung explains, before grinning widely. "Okay I'm partly joking, you've been Felix's best friend for so long, asking you would make the most sense."

"Okay," Chaelin nods. "So, when are we locking them up? We're by far not done cleaning."

"I'm not sure yet," Jisung shrugs. "Let's finish cleaning first, meet me at the maintenance shed when you're done and we'll discuss the details."

Before the girl can agree, the other picks up his bucket and walks off, whistling a cheerful melody.

Chaelin isn't too sure what she just got herself into, but it sounds fun enough to participate in. Plus, if it brings Changbin anf Felix closer, why would she refuse?

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