Taylor's POV.

We had the back packs in the back of the car in the boot. My "aid" bag. (the pink one) was near my feet. I have a feeling that the bag and I are going to be amazing friends. Troy was holding onto the string wheel that tight that his nuckles went wighte.

"troy, please.. Talk to me" I said, looking his way.

"I can't I have.to consirtrat on the road." he rased his.voice.a little witch made me sink back into the chair. I was watching people fight for servilvle. Familys running, people fighting, children crying. I looked out the frount window and saw a child running across the road. Her month was missing and her little should was just hanging off. We went around her and parked in my drive away. I pulled the keys out of my pocket and opend the garage door so we could park inside it. Once inside I ran straight to my bed room. Going throw my bed side table I picked up my ventrlins and put them in my aid bag. I ran out of my room and crashed into troy.

"sorry" I.said and rushed past him. I ran to the linin press and got 3 back packs out, I handed on to troy and he just looked.at me.

"same.with your house." I yelled running into the bathroom. I went throw under my sink and found a lot of pads and tampons.

"still need more tho" I throw them in the bag and went for the merrier cabinet. Pain killers. Band aids Swiss army knife. Bandegs, slings, disinfectant, burn cream, moisturiser.

"think we could do more." I than.ran back to my room and pulled out. Socks, undies, bras, t-shirts, jumpers, jeans and put them un the sparir bag. I than bent down a got my runners and army boots.

Next the kitchen. I ran down there, but when I got there I was puffed and breathing hard and fast. Troy must if heard me because he went right to my pink bag and helped me with the puffs.

"you gotta slow down Tay" he said patting my back. I nodded and went throw the draws. Knives. I took all the stake knives, and a couple of cutting ones. I also found the matches and candles. Yes niw we have light! I looked iver.the kitchen bench and saw troy getting touchs and batterys.

"we set to go get beth?" I asked him. He stood up and put the rest if the torches in his bag.

"yep." he said. We looked at.each other before going back out to the garage. We went around the back and put the bags in. The boot is just about to be full, we just have to get Beth now. I hope she's okay.

"lets go before we turn into a dead man walking." troy said moving to the.drivers side of the car. I was just behind him moving I.to the passaga side of the car. I sat down and placed my aid bag near my feet and buckled myself back into the car. Troy was looking at me funny so I decided to question him about it.

"what?" I said.

"I can't drive throw walls dummy." he.Saud looking back out the back window. Opps. I found my keys and opend the door. When we reversed out of it there was still people out but there were more zombies now.

"what happeneds if she hurt? I can't deal.with that. That girl is my life. I...I.." he started to get worried, you could tell because he was.stumbling and breathing fast.

"troy she will be.fine.. Trust me." I said holding his.thigh.

"Tay.." he couldn't finish his sentence. I put on the car radio to keep his mind off of Beth's well being.

' Stay indoors, keep away from your windows.' I turned it off. I had watched to many zombie movies to learn that.it was on repeat. You know the hole. 'Stay in doors, help is on its way, lock your doors.' yeah I kniw that. That's not what you do. We were driving for a little while dogging cars, people, zombies. And rocked up at Beth's house. I looked at the frount door. It was wide open.

Troy's POV.

We arrived at Beth's house. I had stoped the car out frount of her place. The door was wide open. Places be okay. I opend up the frount door and ran for the front door. I waited for shourty to be inside before shutting the.door.

"BETH!" I yelled out. Please be okay.

"TROY. HELP TRINITY IS STUCK!" I heard the Beth's voice. SHIT NOT TRIN! I ran to the.laungroom and saw Beth just near a fallen down table.

"uncle troy. Help" trinity said when she.saw me. Taylor was on the other side of the table.

"okay, on 3 lift. 1..2..3!" Taylor said and they both lifted I bent down and pulled my niece out from under the table. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight.

"beth we need to leave now!" Taylor said.

"do you need.the car seat?" she asks us both. CRAP! I forgot to put that in.

"Taylor and beth get nags fill them with food, clothes, bottles and my bow and arrows" I order them.

"uncle troy can I stay with you." trin asked.

"yes, but listen to me. Keep your head in my shoulder and don't make a sound. We have.to be ninja quite okay?" I said brushing that crazy red hair out of her face.

"okay" she said and placed her little head in the crook of my neck and shoulder. I went to the frount door and opend.up the door lightly so I can slip out of it. I picked up the car seat that was sitting by the door and ran for my car. I pulled trinity off me and layer her down on the floor of the car.

"eyes on me." I said and started hooking up the car seat

"uncle troy, why is auntie Taylor here?" trin asked me.

"tbecause people are.out there that any to hurt me, you, mummy and auntie Taylor. I have to save.my princesses from them." I said. CLICK the car seat was done.

"trin, get in your.seat please" I said she climbed up and buckled her self in. I found.my old school tie on the floor and tired it.around her little eyes.

"were playing a game. I hiding game." I said to her. She smiled and nodded. I climbed Into the drivers set and beep.the horn. Taylor.and beth came running out side with a little purple bag and a suitcase. Beth jumped in the back with trinity and placed the suitcaes in the other aide of trin. Taylor jumped in the passage side and placed.the purple bag near her feet. I started.up the car and drove.off.

"were are we going troy? Where's mum?" beth asked. I didn't say anything bit Taylor did all the.talking.

"beth. Your mother is dead. We found her on the.street. She tried to bit troy. We didn't kill her but she's walking around with the other zombies." Taylor finished off. I felt the tears run down my face.

"were are we.going now.?" beth asked. That was the thing. I didn't know we're we were going. All I know was that we were going somewhere save from all of theses dead things.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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