Chapter 10 - New Friends

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Saint and Arthit. (Flashback)

Arthit sent a message to Kong to meet in the afternoon and stepped out of the cab in the light drizzling rain.

He skipped towards the old warehouse and knocked rapidly.

The door opened and Arthit's knuckles landed in a sweater covered chest.

The receiver smiled and blew raspberries at Arthit.

Arthit was at Saint's on-location photo shoot. Today they were shooting for some new clothing line. The warehouse was huge and it was divided into different sets which had different props for different themes. Arthit had been working with saint for 2 months helping in small ways that kept him occupied and also expanding his circle of friends. Arthit never backed from helping anyone and it was the same for Saint as well.

Saint wanted help with moving props and arranging the set according to lighting, as they didn't have natural lighting. Arthit was used to it and because of being with Kongpob him being his subject often he knew how lighting brought the image to life. Thanks to Saint, he had is a share of being in front of the camera in a professional setting. After a lot of work around Arthit was tired already. He was here since 6 am and now it was 2 in the afternoon. He was leaving when Saint stopped him.

S - Thanks Arthit.A - It's ok. I had fun. I got to meet new actors from the dramas. I was a fanboy today. S - Are you going somewhere urgently now. Can you help me a bit more with another photoshoot? A - I have to go to meet Kong.He smiled at Saint.S - Ohh Enjoy. If you are free later will you come to the Beam Club? I have a couple of friends hosting a party there and I would like to see you let your walls down for one day and enjoy. A - Clubbing is not my scene. And tonight I will be going home for dinner with parents and guests.S - It's ok. Thanks for your help today and the mini photo session you gave me today. I will send you the pictures via email. Thank you and good luck.

Arthit waved goodbye and left looking for a cab to the Siam Center.

He was supposed to meet Kong for lunch and then go home to tell him the truth. It was all up to Kong later if he decides to continue or break up.

Arthit was mentally prepared for any kind of reply from Kong. After his mother's advice, he thought it was for the best. He will live alone if Kongpob rejects him. He had already told his parents that anything could happen so be ready to accept no matter what.

Arthit was a bit late to reach the mall. He waited in front of the restaurant for a couple of hours. He repeatedly called Kongpob, sent messages but there was no response.

This was the first time this happened. Arthit was upset. Negative thoughts invaded his mind. He sat on the nearby bench and read all the text messages to see if he had missed anything telling him that he won't becoming. He believed Kong would be very busy with his family or must be sick.

Thinking Kong being sick his heart ached. He couldn't go and take care of his lover.

Arthit slumped his shoulders and saw the time it was almost 8 pm. He had waited for a long time and went back home thinking about Kong. He forgot his aunt and uncle were coming for dinner.

He reached home around 9 and his guests were waiting for him not to ask about his father's health or about Nam but to indirectly hit nails in his heart. 

As soon as Arthit sat at the table with a plate full of food, his aunt's rant began.

She disliked her daughter's sexual orientation and her recent wedding to another female. Being parents they didn't accept their own daughter's decision. Only because their daughter threatened to cut all ties with them forever they agreed. Both uncle and aunt kept discriminating against same-sex lovers and relationships. 

Arthit's mother tried a lot to change the course of the topic. The moment it changed it landed on Arthit and matchmaking with Nam so that he could have a readymade baby and family. They were ready with details of many females/ families they knew to set up with Arthit. The moment marriage was uttered Arthit started felt suffocated. He gritted his teeth and heard their conversation until he had enough.

In the last hour, Arthit couldn't gulp water nor food. He got up from his place and calmly told them to leave if they have finished eating free food. His aunt and uncle had shocked expressions on their faces. Arthit's parents knew he was hurting a lot. His father softly told him to leave and rest at home and they would handle the guests. Arthit left with his keys and wallet and soon found himself in front of Beam Club calling Saint.

Saint was surprised to see Arthit there. He noticed Arthit. He looked stressed at the same time his eyes gave an unhappy sad look.

He called Kont and spoke to him for few minutes, just to be sure Kont won't kick his ass.Saint took him inside and introduced him to his friends. Arthit was surprised to find a few of his batch mates also Saint's besties.

Alcohol flowed. Arthit's ears and nose were already pink by the end of two glasses. He didn't want to dance initially. His friends went dancing and Saint gave him the company.

Saint didn't drink at all as it was his turn to be the designated driver for his friends

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Saint didn't drink at all as it was his turn to be the designated driver for his friends. He stuck to coke all night and danced. He was amazed at how well Arthit sang with the crowd and danced.Arthit didn't know how much he drank with all the loud music, dancing with Saint all night.

In his drunken state, he started speaking. He needed someone to listen and today there was Saint.

A - Saint I think Kong doesn't love me anymore. He stood me up. He didn't meet me. Arthit had glassy eyes. Saint became his trusted shoulder/ ear for the night.S - ''He must be busy and have forgotten to text you."A - It has never happened. Since he graduated we haven't had a chance to meet for a full day. His family occupies his time. He is also preparing for his entrance exams. S - It's only 3 weeks ago. Give him time. A - Am I being to fast in this relationship. I already told my parents and he also met them. Am I rushing? Will he break my heart and leave? What will I do if he's gone? Saint was shocked to hear that his parents accepted Kongpob. He schooled his features tried consoling Arthit for remaining time.S - Even if Kongpob leaves you I will always be there for you Arthit. I will always be in your shadow, no matter how long it takes.A - No one can take his place. I see you as a friend, my younger brother whom I never had. Will you be my sibling?

Arthit and Saint conversed for a long time.

Saint was happy for the time being to be acknowledged as a brother. Since he met Arthit he had drastically changed. Only he and his twin knew it. Saint pulled Arthit up and took him to the dance floor. He didn't like Arthit crying. They both danced together with his hands on Arthit's hip all night.

Arthit knew was his glass was never empty till his eyes closed with exhaustion. He completely let go of his worries for the night. All he remembered was telling Saint his apartment address and repeating Kong's name.

Saint being a good friend took Arthit home and called Knot. He didn't bother if it was 2 in the morning.

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