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Noah had more friends than I did.

Most of them were girls that blushed over his handsomeness. I could only imagine how much of a breeze school was going to be for him when it started in August. Everyone would adore him because not only was he adorable but he was also a kind-hearted person. He was the spitting image of our father and even managed to acquire the same easy-going personality as well. It suited him well and he began to learn how to win people over.

He won me over when he slipped me a ten-dollar bill, from our father of course and asked me to buy him and his friends chocolate bars from the corner store. He invited them over after winning over our father and I complied of course, especially when he told me I could keep the change. Dad bought us bikes a few days earlier and as horrible as I was at riding one, it beat walking a mile to the gas station.

I wore my father's sunglasses and a thin knitted sweater with jean shorts. It was something that I often wore in Scotland and the weather was perfect for it. My bike wobbled as I rode it because I didn't trust it enough to keep me steady. Instead of going with the flow, I fought the rhythm every chance I got.

Besides that, I video-chatted friends back home and even Daniel, my ex.

Her hair had gotten longer and she'd recently bleached it a platinum blonde colour to match her pale skin and dark blue eyes. Truth was, I missed her more than I missed Scotland. Because she was there when I found out about my mother's scandals and kept me from falling apart. So when I closed my eyes and thought about home, it was her.

It was the late nights we spent together, only after she pried me away from my cello. It was the manner in which she pressed her lips against my calloused fingertips and the warmth she brought during the cold. She was inevitably the only person I missed and after hearing her Scottish voice, it echoed in my head every second of every day. My father had stopped trying to get me to leave my room and started sending Noah instead. That only occurred to me once I got to the store. All of the American candies stocked the shelves and I wondered what Noah would like. I resulted in Google and found out that M&M's were popular and chocolate so I grabbed six bags of them and walked to the front counter.

Of course, my body collided with another petite frame and I began to retaliate far before I noticed those hazel green eyes staring back at my own.

"Victoria, I am so sorry. This idiot pushed me, shit, let me help you with that." London's voice was sincere and I regretted the curse words that escaped my mouth just moments before I realized it was her. Her fingertips were now plain like mine and I studied the manner in which she picked up every single bag of candy before I could.

Her eyes shifted to mine and curiously returned to the candy, "Is all of this for you?"

I laughed, "Yes. I decided to try out American candies, only ten bags at a time."

This put her at ease because that signature smile covered her lips, "Oh that makes sense. Well, I recommend sour skittles because they're life-changing."

Before I could protest, she was grabbing her favorites along with mine and paying for them at the front counter. The guy behind her grinned boyishly and he reminded me of someone I knew back home. He leaned over, careful not to let London hear, "She's always like this. Overcompensating for things she feels guilty about. My advice to you, just let it happen."

I nodded slowly and studied the manner in which she leaned against the counter. She wore a black tank top with light denim jean shorts and converse that didn't match. One was a light blue, similar to the one she wore on her nails and the other was grey. Both of them had tiny words and symbols written on them and I wondered if she customer them herself.

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