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Lance and I were becoming friends. After the whole into me phase passed we actually had a lot in common. He played the violin, and eventually, we planned to do an ensemble with a few of his other friends.

Unlike me, he attending UCLA which was only a short trip from London. This was why they were closer than the rest of their immediate friends. He thought of her as a sister and I admired their friendship.

"What's the hardest part about college?"

Lance considered my question. His hands were tucked into his pockets as usual and his bare chest was toned and muscular. Unlike the musicians in Scotland, Lance had more than just music going for him. And if he was my type I would've already acted on his looks alone.

He sighed, "College is all about partying, studying, and sleep. Oh, and you can only choose two."

I laughed lightly, "So what did you choose?"

He rested his hands against his knees and those light eyes bored into my own. He gestured towards the grey areas underneath his eyes and I realized what he chose immediately.

I assumed that London chose the same thing but she wasn't around to confirm it. Her, along with a few others, went to get the alcohol for the kickback while Lance and I set up the lights.

He showed me where to keep the portable chargers so that people wouldn't step on them and we discussed our favorite composers. Of course, Mozart was his favorite. He was actually basic and I tried not to tease him for it. I enjoyed Robert Frost for accenting the cello's strong points.

The manner in which he danced to the music was so horrible that I had to make a comment. Lance grinned boyishly and reached for my hand dramatically, "C'mon Tori. You're so negative. Dance horribly with me."

He played my favorite piece by Robert Frost and I couldn't deny him any longer. Our steps were so uncoordinated that I was more than sure we already looked drunk. American guys were fun and that was just something that couldn't be denied. Because I found myself actually enjoying his company as we waited for the rest to get back.

"Juilliard is going to love you by the way. I've never heard you play but if you dance like that then I'm sure you'll be fine there." Lance handed me some more lights and winked at me.

I laughed, "Hey. I had to match your horrible dancing, otherwise, it wouldn't have worked."

Lance narrowed his eyes on mine, "I work really hard perfecting my dance moves. How dare you insult my second career choice!"

Before I could tell him to choose a new backup career, a large group of teenagers emerged from the dark background carrying six-packs of beers and other alcohols.

They filled in quickly and the music was changed to something more suitable for kickback standards. My eyes raked over the dozens of bodies laughing and having fun but those familiar hazel-green eyes were nowhere in sight. I was disappointed because it had been almost two hours since our last encounter and even that one was brief. Her fingertips lightly touched mine before she turned on her heels and walked to the red pick up truck that parked illegally against the sandy coast.

She assured me that she'd be back soon, but maybe American soon was different from Scottish soon.

Lance's company was amusing, but nothing could compare to the teasing smirk against her cherry lips and the manner in which she touched me.

They were always light and gentle and I recalled her straddling my hips with slight embarrassment. London was so much more attractive when she told me about her passion. She explained the manner in which cars worked and broke down the parts from within. Even though I didn't understand any of that, I did understand that she loved it.

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