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When London invited me over, I was slightly looking forward to spending the night with her. But as I stood on her front porch with my yellow backpack, I was uneasy.

It was too late to back out because my fingertips already pressed the doorbell and when she opened the door with two bottles of wine in her hands, I knew that she planned on getting me into trouble.

We laid across her floor, sipping from the same bottle of expensive wine that London had stolen from the wine cellar. Her room described her personality perfectly and I couldn't help but grin at the rather large collection she had of model vehicles.

Against her walls were large tapestries with shades of purple and golden accents and rather randomly, there was a picture of Hannah Montana that appeared to be the same age as us. The edges were uneven and jagged from age and it seemed to be on the verge of falling apart.

I laughed and London beamed, "That's a story for later."

Against her cherry lips was a smirk as she leaned closer to me, "Are you drunk yet? Because I definitely wouldn't mind a round of shots."

I raised a brow, "Something tells me your plan is to get me drunk enough to tell you my deepest darkest secrets."

London didn't respond and I couldn't tell if it was to further elaborate on the joke she was driving home. Nevertheless, we did three shots of vodka and eventually, my brain was too mushy to overthink.

"Now I'm drunk," I spoke breathlessly while throwing my hair into a messy bun. London scooted closer to me until our knees were touching and she leaned close to me with mischief written in her features.

I took this as the perfect opportunity to stare at her blatantly. London's greenish hazel eyes were so vividly on mine that nothing else seemed to matter. The clusters of hazel seemed to cover sea green color in milky patches and her lashes fluttered in front of me.

She wriggled her eyebrows at me, "Now we play twenty-one questions until things get awkward or heated."

And then London was asking me my favorite thing about her. The question itself was difficult because I had to choose just one thing out of the thousands that I loved.

"Probably your smile," I mumbled and she gushed in front of me with amusement in her honey-like eyes.

Then it was my turn to ask something.

"What was your first impression of me?"

London rolled her eyes, "That's an easy one. I thought you were different. You didn't smile but you really didn't need to. There's something about you, like I said before, it just works."

My next question would definitely be for her to elaborate on that because her vague descriptions seemed like the easy way out of saying what she really meant and I was beyond just curious.

I was sipping on some wine when London's voice caught me off guard, "Why are you so against casual intimacy?"

Maybe it was because intimacy wasn't casual for me. Either I fell hard and abruptly or I simply wasn't interested in the slightest. With London, it was so abrupt that I had trouble pinpointing exactly when it happened. Because one moment her lips just looked soft and the next, they seemed soft against mine.

"It's not that I'm against it," I shrugged my shoulders, "casual has simply never existed for me."

London waited patiently while I thought of something personal to ask her. My goal was to get her to drink more than me because I was secretive and she was, at first glance, an open book.

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