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By the morning, everything had changed. Because when London woke up much later than I did, her features were light and she pressed her mouth against my cheek ever so softly.

No, I wasn't prepared and a small part of me assumed that it was all a dream that would fade when she laid her beautiful eyes on mine.

"You," London yawned and winced from her hangover, "have the most attractive eyes I've ever seen."

It was too early to blush and we were far too close for that anyways.

Teasingly, I used my fingertips to tuck the softest of loose strands behind her ear. It wasn't a true statement because I was more than sure that she spent a small portion of her mornings staring at her reflection.

Hell, I teased her anyways, "Please do continue American."

London grinned adorably and my heart threatened to go into cardiac arrest right then and there. I was completely intoxicated by her vanilla body wash and shampoo.

Her eyes fluttered and her lashes only made me want to stay here forever with her face centimeters from mine.

She parted her lips, "I've never seen eyes so blue and light with tiny shades of lighter blues. You're just so beautiful. Don't look at me like that, it drives me crazy."

I proceeded to look at her like that and London rolled her eyes before leaning close to me. When my mind realized what she was doing I gasped dramatically, "You can't kiss me yet American. I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

And I covered my mouth while my favorite pair of greenish-hazel eyes studied the manner in which I had denied her. It wasn't obvious how she felt about it up until she was straddling my waist, taking full advantage of the crush I bared for her.

As she hovered above me, my heart stammered in my chest and it became clear that she would use this newfound knowledge to her advantage.

"Just one little," Her lips brushed against mine and I quickly prevented anything further than that. And when London pouted her lips, I laughed amusingly because there was no way that she would win this one.

Instead her mouth wandered elsewhere, like the crook of my neck. This just happened to be the first place she put her lips on my skin and it burned feverishly when she left small kisses in no specific order.

Just when I thought she couldn't test my patience anymore, her mouth left sloppy kisses against my jawline, completely making me lose my composure. And for the grand finale, her lips brushed against mine so gently that I had to pull her closer to be.

Before I could quite get there, London abruptly pulled away from me and nodded understandingly, "You can brush your teeth now. I won't distract you anymore."

She rolled out of bed and left the room before I could bring her lips to mine again and I groaned with frustration. London was such a tease.

When she returned with painkillers for our hangovers, I had brushed my teeth and was beyond ready for more morning kisses. Unfortunately for me, they never came because London insisted on making breakfast and I had no idea that she could cook. Personally, the microwave was the only thing I was comfortable using due to my horrible track record. I'd burned pizza rolls in the oven so many times that even Noah didn't allow me near the oven.

I sat at the kitchen bar and rested my palms against the cool marble surface. The small details about London were absolutely intoxicating. As I stared at her blatantly she made sure to impress. Her hair was messy spilling over her shoulders and her features were delicately laced with concentration and slight passion. As she stirred the batter for waffles I hesitantly met her in the kitchen.

Because the thin strap of her tank top was falling down her shoulder as she stirred and I simply couldn't help myself. I stood behind her and gently pushed her hair back with my fingertips. She shivered when I did this and I proceeded to fix the strap of her tank top, but not before putting my lips on her shoulder blade.

It was obvious that I was doing a rather decent job distracting her because she couldn't seem to stir after that and before my lips made it to the crook of her neck, London folded her arms and turned to me.

"What?" I mumbled and she brought her mouth to my own. This time around, there was no hesitation. No slow and gentle manner in which our mouths moved in sync and London's lips proved to be as intoxicating as she was herself.

My hands were on her hips, gently guiding her to the refrigerator, where I pressed her against the door for support.

London wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss and my hands wandered beneath her shirt. My hands roamed her torso and I wondered just how far she'd let me-

"Damn it Victoria, we'll never eat at this rate." She breathlessly stared into my eyes and I agreed that it was probably best if I let her finish.

Clearly flustered, London gave me subtle glances as she continued to cook for the both of us. We were exchanging small meaningful eye contact and it was absolutely thrilling.

To my surprise, she leaned over the counter across from me and blushed lightly without saying anything. I laughed teasingly, "What it is American?"

"It's nothing really but there's this car show in a few days and I really want you to go with me," She spoke breathlessly and those green eyes stole subtle glances at mine. For some reason, this side of her made me suppress the urge to kiss her.

I leaned forward and grinned, "You're asking me on a date? I thought you don't do serious."

London was looking at me exasperated, "Victoria,"

And then I was nodding and slightly falling love with the different ways she said my name along with the way she was at a loss for words. Because there was clear excitement written into her features and it genuinely made me want to shower her with affection.

After breakfast of course.

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