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It was London's idea to take Noah to an old movie theater where everything resembled the eighties. She met us there wearing shorts and a button-up floral shirt. As my father dropped us off with more than enough cash, he eyed me specifically, "Something going on between you two that I should know about?"


London was leaning against the brick wall of the theater, her long tanned legs immediately catching my attention when I glanced in her direction. I remembered delicately running my fingers across her warm skin and then looked at my father briefly.


Noah and I approached her and she gave him a high five before we entered. When Noah wasn't looking, London pressed her lips against my cheek and I tried not to blush feverishly.

She was my sort-of girlfriend and we held hands when no one was looking. Because everything was new and we didn't want to ruin it before we figured things out. And there was a lot to figure out.

Lance didn't even know yet. Neither did my father and Noah, well he's been onto us the entire time. During the movie he leaned over and whispered loudly, "Is she your girlfriend yet?"

He pouted when I told him sort of. His green eyes fell onto the movie screen and I blushed when I caught London's beautiful eyes staring at me.

She didn't look away either and somewhat slowly her lips touched my ear, "So I'm your sort-of girlfriend."

My heart was inevitably throbbing in my chest when her fingertips left my hand. I couldn't tell what she was thinking when she adverted her attention back to the movie. I made the rather abrupt decision to tell Noah that we were going to get snacks and grabbed London by her hand.

Once we were close enough to the exit I wrapped my arms around her waist and London leaned into me until our foreheads were touching, "I didn't know if we were ready for official titles yet. American, don't think that I won't tell the whole world about us. I'll go to Edinburgh and make sure that every family is highly aware that I can't function without,"

Her lips prevented me from continuing and I didn't mind. Because kissing London was so much more disorientating than words.

"Victoria, you're so dramatic. How did I not see this before? The carnival, your list of things that could go wrong," London smirked and I rolled my eyes at her subtle amusement. It was rather adorable.

I scoffed, somewhat dramatically, "There isn't anything dramatic about me. C'mon, I told Noah that we'd get him some more snacks."

London pokes at my cheeks, encouraging me to admit it to my inner drama queen and I refused. That was until a familiar blonde decided to interrupt. The first thing that came to mind was the lack of space between her and London a month ago and how they also managed to be roommates at university.

Lauren gave my girlfriend a hug and I tried not to tense at the thought of their history. Her light brown eyes looked me over again and I couldn't tell who should've been jealous; London or me.

It was more so London because she intertwined our fingers for the blonde to see. She must've got the message because her features deepened and a small smirk was engraved into her features, "I fucking knew it." 

My girlfriend grinned, "Was it that obvious?"

Lauren, the blonde shook her head lightly, "Considering how you told me to back off, yes London it was very obvious."

Lauren winked at me, "She's been talking about you for a while now. Definitely keep her, like absolutely."

When Lauren returned to her group of friends, I directed my attention towards the lovely brunette in front of me. I cupped her face with the palms of my hands and kissed her forehead affectionately, "American, you've been talking about me?"

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